Tuesday, November 20, 2007

There. It's up within a month. Darth Vadar, Sleeping Beauty, Cptn. Jack Sparrow, She Devil
Life is simply insane right now. I keep telling myself that 'things' will slow down but it just isn't. The taxi service is in full swing. Football is finished, but baseball will start soon. The girls are in a play right now but that will come and go. Religion classes. Dance. Ian doesn't even have an activities yet. Ugh!

In the midst of the craziness/volunteering/Creative Memories, I'm learning to appreciate the little things. All of the kids still love to be tucked in at night and basically demand it (from both Collin and I). If I'm tucking Ian in and Amanda is being impatient she'll holler 'come on Mom'. It's actually pretty amusing and probably funny to watch Collin and I playing dualing banjos with the bedtime routine. There have been many, many days where I think "why is the bedtime routine getting longer?" "why can't they just have one of us read to them?" "do I really have to sing this song again?" BUT (isn't there always a but) they stay in their beds and sleep well. As I lay in Amanda's bed listening to her read, impatient Ian came in and sprawled over me. We all dozed off with me scratching their heads; Ian would chirp "scratch" if I dozed before he was ready. As corny as it sounds, I just thought 'this is the good stuff'. Those are the moments that help me get through the insanity of life.

Especially since my coffee pot decanter got broken.

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