Saturday, December 13, 2008

I love Christmas decorations. Some of my fondest memories were of driving around during the Christmas season looking around at the decorated houses. Then came Christmas in the Oaks in City Park. It was a winding journey through the monstrous oak trees decorated with lights galore. One of the funnest dates that Collin and I had was spent shivering our way through the walking portion.
So, I couldn't have been happier than when I got to share Christmas in the Oaks with Maggie during our whirlwind trip to New Orleans last weekend. Complete with Mr. Bingle that used to hang on the Maison Blanche store many moons ago.

We rode the Christmas train but sadly the monstrous oak trees are barely decorated post-Katrina. It was mostly a cold, dark ride but my butt was warm squeezed in-between two cute girlies. I realize I look like a polar bear, but it was COLD out there. Remember, it snowed there this past week. Yes, snow in New Orleans - only the 3rd time in my lifetime.

1 comment:

Nicole said...

Snow in N.O? Crazy- must be global warming!! :) I loved your list of Christmas stuff too- fun to read and learn even more about you!