Saturday, March 30, 2013

Relocation ramblings, episode 1

A quick post, just as a sort of journal, of our journey:
  • the last 15% of your move is the biggest pain in the butt AND seems to take forever. It will be those boxes that annoy know, the ones that contain the most random things and are completely irritating to unload. Everyone has one or two or three - alarm clock, leftover random towel, ziploc size bag of travel lotions, ponytail holders, bathroom cup, pair of flip-flops, and the entire drawer that you just found and forgot to pack!
  • we have 14,000 pounds of house packed in three large containers not to mention the assorted random things overflowing the two vehicles
  • cleaning a house that isn't your own REALLY sucks
  • anything that goes through Ian's brain comes out of his mouth no matter if it is a word, a sound, or a song
  • he knows the words to a lot of songs!
  • spending a relaxing evening with great friends is an awesome way to end a long day
  • 375 miles isn't that far but it IS a nice start to a long trek
  • having your engine light come on 345 miles into that trek isn't a great feeling especially when you just paid close to $2K in repairs AND tomorrow is a holiday
Happy Easter ......may you be blessed with a beautiful day and lots of chocolate. Onward toward Las Cruces or El Paso - at least lets hope so.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Happy Trails To You......

Before I pack up the computer and we make our way across the highways to our new home I wanted to take a quick minute to stop and reflect on our time in CA.

A little over 22 years ago, I ventured to this beautiful place as a 21yr. old student with a boyfriend and lots of hopes and dreams. Many, many dreams have come true. I went on to graduate from Cal State Fullerton and work with kids :) Collin and I have been married for 17yrs. and brought four amazing kids into this world. We have traveled to some beautiful places..........Bass Lake, El Capitan Canyon, Park City, San Francisco, and many more. We've learned how to navigate the adventure of parenting (and we are still learning!). And all along the way we have made friends that have impacted our lives in ways we will never forget. Too many to list here. But you know who you are.....Thanks to the internet we will be able to continue to share with friends and stay connected.

We are excited to start this new chapter in our lives. We'll miss the beach on lazy summer days; amazing sunsets; and all the good stuff SoCal had to offer. We won't miss the traffic, smog, or expense of living here.

I won't say Good-bye just 'See YA'LL Later'
because we'll back back to visit. And remember, there are TWO airports in the Dallas area that we would be happy to pick you up at if you want to visit us.

Peace out, So Cal!

Thursday, March 21, 2013

In the blink of an eye......

Ian turned NINE! It doesn't seem possible. In celebration of his birthday, this post is all about him - nine things I love about Ian.
1)He is our family caboose and he is an easy-going little guy. He was due on the 14th; I thought he might be a St.Patrick's Day baby, but he came on the 19th. Nevertheless, I call him our good luck charm.
2) He's always up for anything. Since he could walk, he wanted to do anything his siblings could.
3) He is a dirt magnet. The laundry is messy but I love that he lives life to the fullest.
4) He is friendly and loves being with his friends.
5) He is a monkey. He can climb most anything and he makes me cringe at the same time. But, I love that he isn't afraid to conquer a challenge. (hence, the nickname George after Curious George)
6) I love the bond that he and Maggie share. He loves Sean and Amanda but Maggie is a cut above and he has always adored her.
7) He loves the outdoors......the beach, camping, skiing, sports.....especially when he can make a water mohawk.
8) He loves seafood (Mama's boy!) and would eat crab or shrimp everyday if our budget allowed.
9) He has piercing blue eyes and a smile that is contagious.
10) He makes me laugh everyday. And some days he makes me crazy, too - but he tolerates my photo ops, my insistence on eating his vegetables, and my nick-names. Rarely, do I call him Ian. It's mostly George or Dane and he still wants to cuddle me so I think it's ok with him.

That was 10 instead of 9, but we'll say that's one extra for 'good luck' instead of the extra birthday spank, right?

He melts might heart especially when he says things like "today is the best day because I got to spend it with you" when we went to Disney. Now, if I could just make him stay this way forever.


Sunday, March 17, 2013

Good stuff

It's the good stuff that makes the stress more bearable.....our final weekends here are upon us.......this weekend was amazing.
Yesterday Maggie was able to spend the day at Disneyland with her bff because of my co-workers generosity. After dropping her off, I snagged some beignets and surprised the other kids with one of their most favorite treats in the world. Then I decided that we should trot off to watch Ian's best buddy, Ben, play in his baseball game because we need to soak in some Irvine Pony baseball before we leave. (who has packing to do?) What a great decision. I got to see Ben play great and hug a few friends that I wouldn't have otherwise gotten to say farewell to - Kristy, Erin, Deborah - you are such great women. I am proud to call you friend(s). Then, I shuffled to pick up some furniture donations that a great friend (Janet Miller!) had offered our family. What a blessing.....our home in Texas just got a bit more cozy because of their generosity. I did manage to get it in the garage even with the mustang still there, ugh! After that, I shuffled Amanda off to a SURPRISE farewell party that her friends put together on their own.
What an amazing group of young ladies. Thank you for making Amanda feel so special. Times like these are treasured memories forever.
And Saturday wasn't finished yet......I headed off to MTV for Nunsense. OH MY GOODNESS! So amazing. So jealous I missed being in the cast. Lots of laughs and tears were shed and boy did it bring back memories of Catholic school. Here's a glimpse of me and my 'sister' friends
A bittersweet ending to our six years at MTV. Such talent - all cultivated with love by Denise Fenton. Thank for the memories.
Sunday was even better :)
Maggie performed her final time on the MTV stage to a packed house in the closing show of Aladdin. She has loved all of her performances over the years but today was extra special. She held it together and sang beautifully. But the best was yet to come after the curtain call. We were able share in Kenneth's proposal to our talented and beautiful director, Aurora. Dressed as her Prince, he shocked us all (except for those sneaky secret keepers) and she said YES!
Saying good-bye is difficult but as the song from Little Women says "some things are meant to be". And Aurora and Kenneth certainly are an example of that.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Spilling out my brain

Random brain dump:
1) Appointment to get screens repaired/replaced, check......apparently the kids have been using the windows when they play hide and seek, lovely.
2) Our 6th graders at work are at outdoor camp this week.....yeah to a drama free week (at least ones that involve the 6th graders, lol)
3) My best friend's Mom is in the hospital/ substitute Grandma to my kids......prayers, love, and healing thoughts for sweet MarJane
4) Lasagna is in the oven! woot!
5) I packed the pantry - down to figuring out what ingredients I would need for the remaining dinners and what spices I would use, the rest got packed. Does this make me crazy or organized?
6) When I look around I don't feel organized.
7) We move in 19 days........eeeeeekkkkk.
8) Sean and Maggie are rocking with school; I can only hope they keep the momentum at their new schools.
9) I need to do online registration for their new schools.
10) Someone told me we are moving just in time for tornado season. I didn't need to know that.
11) What does a tornado siren sound like?
12) I never have had nightmares about hurricanes or earthquakes, but I have about tornadoes. What does that mean?
13) Does any want to buy a sweet Mustang? Please :)
14) It's 6:29pm and the sun is still shining. I like that.
15) At 6:29am this morning, the sun wasn't up yet but I was. I don't like that.

And that is a little sample of my brain. I'm sure there is a blonde joke in there but I'm too tired to think of one.

Wednesday, March 06, 2013

Meals, meals, meals

March meal plan is done, check! I'm still doing daily pics and blogging more so three of my goals are still being accomplished :)
A weird month but better than a sharp stick in the eye:
3/1 - baked tilapia
3/2 - out with Dad visiting - Seafood Noodle House
3/3 - deer shank, mashed potatoes, corn
3/4 - italian sausage sandwiches, squash stir-fry, cantaloupe
3/5 - baked pork chops, risotto, peas
3/6 - southern fried chicken strips, baked french fries, applesauce
3/7 - bonless chuck roast (crockpot)/carrots, green beans, mushroom over creamy polenta
3/8 - quesadillas/bean burrito (Mom busy, lol)
3/9 - cheesy shells and sausage, steamed broccoli
3/10 - chicken enchiladas, mexican rice
3/11 - lasagna, caesar salad, garlic bread
3/12 - meatloaf (beef/turkey), baked macaroni, green beans
3/13 - chicken stir-fry, fried rice
3/14 - chili, cornbread, broccoli casserole
3/15 - crab cakes w/ lemon aioli, salad, ranch potatoes (had a skip day from last month)
3/16 - corned beef, cabbage, black-eyed peas (St. Pat's a little early)
3/17 - *gala at MTV
3/18 - red beans and rice, french bread
3/19 - Shrimp boil/ baby reds/ corn (Ian's birthday request)
3/20 - spaghetti with meatballs, salad, garlic bread
3/21 - take-n-bake pizza (Mom busy, lol)
3/22 - tuna melts, fruit salad
3/23 - chef salad
3/24 - roasted tri-tip, baked sweet potato, green beans
3/25 - breakfast for dinner (eggs, pancakes or french toast, bacon)
3/26 - tacos, refried beans
3/27 - soup and grilled cheese
3/28 - hot dogs with chili, fruit
3/29 - all packed, dinner out
3/30 - on the road.............

It's nice to have a plan overall but some days are better than others. Like yesterday, groceries were needed/ pork chops hadn't been purchased/ homework was busy/ Amanda had opening for Wizard of Oz/ so Wendy's it was. I need to remember that in the big picture of life my kids are getting homemade meals more often than not and some days are going to result in take-out. I'm sure we will have enough take-out over the course of our cross-country move that will get them their junk food fix and they will be asking for home cookin' again. Well, one can at least hope.

And, now I have officially blogged half as much as I did in ALL of 2012 and its only March. Yeah.

What was that other goal.......something about exercise..........

Monday, March 04, 2013

Chaos reigns....

Moving across the country is stressful enough. Add four kids. And a dog. And an absent husband because he is working his new job. And my 27-hr. a week job. And you have the chaos of the moving countdown.

Meals still need to get planned.....especially to empty the pantry
Packing happens slowly......yet we have to live here for a few more weeks
School work needs to get done......b/c "your grades come with you!"
Appts. on the calendar, check - kids eye exam, check

Yet, I am trying to find the calm in the chaos because my van needs to be repaired to the tune of $2,000!!!!!!! (yes, it requires that many exclamation points when we are trying to buy a house) and I had to leave work early because a neighbor called to say he saw Fritz out but couldn't find him when he went to look for him.

Calm.......deep breath.....thank you God for the dog being home safely when I rushed home (he was paling around with the neighbor's house painter) and, an even bigger blessing, we were NOT on the road in the middle of no-where when my van decided to die.
I would like a basket to crawl into as well, but for now it's big girl pants and one foot in front of the other.