Monday, March 11, 2013

Spilling out my brain

Random brain dump:
1) Appointment to get screens repaired/replaced, check......apparently the kids have been using the windows when they play hide and seek, lovely.
2) Our 6th graders at work are at outdoor camp this week.....yeah to a drama free week (at least ones that involve the 6th graders, lol)
3) My best friend's Mom is in the hospital/ substitute Grandma to my kids......prayers, love, and healing thoughts for sweet MarJane
4) Lasagna is in the oven! woot!
5) I packed the pantry - down to figuring out what ingredients I would need for the remaining dinners and what spices I would use, the rest got packed. Does this make me crazy or organized?
6) When I look around I don't feel organized.
7) We move in 19 days........eeeeeekkkkk.
8) Sean and Maggie are rocking with school; I can only hope they keep the momentum at their new schools.
9) I need to do online registration for their new schools.
10) Someone told me we are moving just in time for tornado season. I didn't need to know that.
11) What does a tornado siren sound like?
12) I never have had nightmares about hurricanes or earthquakes, but I have about tornadoes. What does that mean?
13) Does any want to buy a sweet Mustang? Please :)
14) It's 6:29pm and the sun is still shining. I like that.
15) At 6:29am this morning, the sun wasn't up yet but I was. I don't like that.

And that is a little sample of my brain. I'm sure there is a blonde joke in there but I'm too tired to think of one.

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