Wednesday, August 21, 2013


Life is all about making adjustments. Adjusting to new schedules; adjusting to new routines; adjusting to new jobs; adjusting to parenthood; adjusting to parenting toddlers; adjusting to parenting teens. You understand my point - there is always a transition going on.

And this week is one of the biggest adjustments for our family......adjusting the kids back to a decent bedtime schedule preparing for school. Summer is dwindling. Reality is setting in. SCHOOL STARTS MONDAY! Much to their chagrin, the kids don't like that a reasonable bedtime needs to become a reality. I keep promising that they will appreciate it next week but they don't believe me.

Collin is adjusting to coaching in a new place that isn't very welcoming if you haven't 'coached in TX before'. Adjusting to not helping with Sean's team because he now plays through school. Adjusting to new coworkers and new roads to be traveled (made easier by the GPS).

Me -- I'm adjusting to cooking around the crazy football and band rehearsal schedules. Adjusting to having one child in elementary school. Adjusting to the reality of four kids, multiple activities, and a schedule of chaos. BUT looking forward to the routine that school brings. (and hopefully adjusting my grocery bill down now that they aren't home eating non-stop) Adjusting to working retail (while I like my job(s), I REALLY miss working as an IA)

And the kids are still adjusting to the newness of the move overall. They were only in school for seven weeks last year after we moved. This school year will be the big transition (especially for Amanda with moving up to middle school).

And last, but not least, we are all looking forward to adjusting the DVR to record some new shows this fall. Sons of Anarchy starts soon :)

What is a big adjustment for you and your family?

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