Friday, August 09, 2013

Calm before the storm

The storm, for our family, represents FOOTBALL season! And it's not a bad storm like Hurricane Katrina. It's like a storm on dry farmlands after a drought; it's exciting, refreshing, and often leaves you with the feeling that 'this won't last long/ it will be gone too soon.' Football season can't come soon enough.

Next week Ian starts practice and Sean picks up his gear. They have been doing small drills in the backyard daily trying to adjust to the heat. Maggie's 'football season' has begun since she is in her 2nd week of band camp. She is working hard and looking forward to being a part of the high school football experience. (We hear it's serious business here in TX)

And, it's not just football within our family, it's SAINTS football and LSU football and fantasy football.
At least four days a week, we will be focused on football - Sean during the week/ Friday Night Lights with Maggie/ Saturday is Ian and LSU/ Sunday is NFL Sunday Ticket! So I think we qualify as a football family. (Amanda gets to be a super fan with me; hoping to teach her a few skills with the camera if she doesn't find some team siblings to hang with)

The madness of school starts on the 25th combined with football. I think that will kick it up a notch to pure chaos but for today we will savor our Blue Bell icecream (we are on our 9th day in a row over 100*), daily trips to the pool, and the slow pace that summer brings.

However, Saints preseason starts tonight so maybe I'll break out the black & gold a little early!

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