Monday, May 06, 2013

Monday musings #3

Another Monday is quickly upon us and I feel the need to blog. Things are rolling along at a swift pace and before I know it the kids will be out for summer and asking the dreaded "what are we doing today?" So on this May 6th, here's a little brain dump...
  • Spring is here in full bloom and we've got the Zyrtec to prove it.
  • Ian had his football evals last Saturday morning; they had about 750 kids total on the day for the program. And they have more registration this Sat. THAT is a big football program.  (and it only goes up to 6th grade)
  • Maggie turns 15 on Sunday. We are debating over who gets to rule the day since it's Mother's Day.....I say 'I get the day b/c I brought you in to this world!'/ she says 'but I'll only turn 15 once!'
  • She starts with orthodontia on May16th....happy belated birthday to her, muhahaha.
  • We took a road trip this weekend down to Seabrook to attend a crawfish boil held annually by one of Collin's college buddies. Crawfish, cocktails, lots of laughter, and fresh seafood to take home from Galveston Bay. Simple goodness; thank you for the hospitality Adams Family :)
  • The family dipped their feet in the warm waters of Galveston Bay. I think the first comment was 'this is sooooo much warmer than the Pacific.' Fritz was running around like a crazy fool so he loved the water too.
  • I filled my car up for $41.75 today. I paid $2.76 per gallon with my Kroger discount. Sweet.
  • I exercised today. Yes, you should mark it on your calendar right along with me.
  • I am doing a 5K in two weeks. Let's hope I don't embarrass myself.
  • Dinner tonight is broccoli beef and fried rice (scratch) with orange chicken (frozen Costco) and fresh pineapple. Tomorrow is gumbo (shrimp, chicken, saus.) with rice. Help - I haven't meal planned for May completely. I did buy fresh basil and parsley plants today, though.
  • still doing Flylady; I love having my house clean. Yes - I know we haven't been here a month and I'm not totally unpacked, but my family can make a huge mess in a short amount of time. It was very refreshing to be able to hit the road quickly and come home to a relatively clean house. And the laundry is a lot less annoying since I'm doing small manageable tasks. (and the kids are actually keeping their dishes out of the sink and putting them in the dishwasher, woot.) Small victories.
  • I did get a quick fix on my camera lens at a local camera shop (they literally called the guy the lens chiropractor and the lens cracked when he 'fixed' the tweek; it works so I'll call it good for now)
  • Things to do....DMV remains on the list; add schedule a doctor's appt for a physical for me; find the hardware for the boys' bunk beds; get the old fridge and gas dryer put on Craigslist.
And to end on a sappy note, go hug your loved ones. Last week I lost a high school friend to a random freak accident (that happened while her loved ones watched in horror and could do nothing). In the blink of an eye she lost her life. RIP dear Paula.  It has been a serious reminder to me that even with all the busy stuff going on (as noted in my brain dump above) I always have time to stop and tell my kids and my husband 'I love you' before they walk out the door.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Please tell Sean period three misses him. I love reading about your TX adventure and new life! God bless you!!