Monday, December 04, 2006

Wrong time of year to decide I have to do something about my weight. I'm at my heaviest I have ever been while not being pregnant. I'm uncomfortable in my own skin. I can't stand the thought of having to get dressed everyday. It's that bad. Elastic-waist granny pants from Walmart are my next purchase if I don't get off my butt and do something about it.

I have and will always have a sweet tooth. It's the exact reason I don't bake unless I'm bringing it to someone or the item will be consumed quickly (mostly by other people). The thought of making Christmas cookies with my kids just makes me grumpy. I guess I'll just be happy that I don't work in an office where people bring in holiday snacks constantly.(Amy, I left out the 't' word, lol)

Part of my problem is that I NEED someone to hold me accountable. WeightWatcher meetings would probably be good but I don't want to spend the money every week nor do I want to shuffle Ian weekly to attend them. Many folks can and do lose weight on their own; it doesn't work for me. I need someone pushing me. WHY?

My 1st couple of goals are to start doing sit-ups daily while I watch any nightime TV and to start drinking 64oz. of water a day. That's 2 -32oz. bottles; a healthy amount and easily attainable.


Jen Muhlenbruck said...

I'm so there with you. I'm disgusted with myself and yet I can't get off my butt to do anything about it. I keep thinking about it - then I fold when it's late or I'm in a hurry and I grab the first thing I can find. And it doens't help that I've hardly gotten out of bed for 6 weeks if it's not to take a kid somewhere. I slept yesterday from 10:30-2 ... that can't be good for my level of activity. I just can't get all of the way over this virus though. Enough about me. You're hot. And Am's right. The cookies will make you want to run in the other direction if you let the kids decorate them. And you are literally one of the BEST moms that I know so knock that shit off. If you want yelling, come over here.

Anonymous said...

Joy...I will help. I just bought a new exercise ball for myself and asked for the Biggest Loser workout dvd for Christmas. I have been taking the steps at work instead of the elevator, and when I park I park at the far end of the parking lot.

Baby steps.

Anonymous said...

OK, so I'm not the only one going through this?! I am also at my heaviest weight ever; I look like I'm 3 months pregnant! What happened?! Steve got me a jogger stroller for my b-day because he was sick of hearing me whine. I've even taken to "snacking" on green beans at night. I'm with you on the water thing. I suck at it too. Try squeezing a bit of lemon juice to add some flavor. It's been helping me this week. My plan is to lose the weight, get a boob job, fix my hair and feel like a WOMAN again!

Love ya, Andrea