Monday, January 22, 2007

Sometimes I wonder about Moms and where they have left their brains. Just in case you need reminding here are the RULES of the playground:

1) If you bring toys (sand, trucks, balls, etc.) LABEL them with your name and then consider them fair game for SHARING. You know the drill......'let Johnny use your truck. You aren't using it and he will return it shortly OR give him 2 minutes and we will ask to trade OR it still belongs to you and it's fun to let everyone play.' IF you can't do this, leave the TOYS at home.

2) When you child has a fit b/c someone else is touching one of your kid's 562 trucks, remove your Ipod and help teach your child HOW to share. OR better yet, leave the Ipod home.

3) DO NOT BRING TOYS TO THE PARK if your child is going to scream/freak out/throw them at other children when someone walks within 15 ft. of his 562 trucks. REMOVE your child whether he likes it or not. Just b/c my kid's shadow may have brushed your precious prince's 562 trucks, I don't to have to explain to my child why he just got beamed in the head with a truck.

Has humanity lost all common sense? Is it really that hard to try and figure out? I get that some kids don't like to share; don't set them up for failure by bringing 562 trucks to a busy park. Now, for the real kicker and most important rule......

4) One must NOT chase all of the other kids' off and monopolizes the 562 trucks when THEY AREN'T EVEN YOURS. GAH!!!

Can you even believe that Ipod Mom got a grip and finally said 'oh, he must need a nap' after 45min. of non-stop toddler tantrum and packed up her stuff. THe 562 trucks WEREN'T EVEN HERS. Well, maybe they were and her 'punishment' for not sharing was to leave the trucks behind????????? Is that possible???? To say to a 2/3yo 'since you can't share, we are going to leave your toys here.'

Holy frijoles. I think I'm getting to old for this park mumbo-jumbo.


Nicole said...

And it wasn't even "Stupid People Saturday"! I am truly amazed at the ridiculous things that happen at the park. By the way- we're going tomorrow after kindergarten :)

Janet said...

I swear, I got a headache just from reading that. People suck!

Anonymous said...

I am so glad my kids are older and we don't have to deal with that crap anymore. Some people just have no clue....