Thursday, February 28, 2008

Down in the depths of my throat there was a small tickle. So, I decided to follow the lead of my dh and the suggestion of AMAZING TRIPS: an amazing trip trick: staying healthy'>my friend Jen. I jumped on the Zicam wagon.

Yesterday I used the mint spray -- blech, tastes like Milk of Magnesia but didn't really affect my taste buds or anything. Today I decided to try the nasal gel to see if I could avoid the yuck taste. OMG!!!!!! What did I do???? Now my nose won't stop running; I can't stop sneezing; and my nasal passages are on fire. Now it seems like I HAVE a cold. It's been two hrs. and it still feels like I snorted jalapeno juice up my nose. If I could shove ice cubes up my nose I would. AND it is completely affecting my taste buds, so lunch pretty much sucked.

I'm going to try the gel on a q-tip like Jen suggested if I am brave enough once my nasal passages return to normal. If that doesn't work, I think I'll just continue with the the kids chewable Echinacea & with the cold away. In the mean time, I'm going lay on the couch and fight the urge to sniff.


The Amazing Trips said...

Oh yes, you MUST do the Q-Tip!! I would never squirt that stuff directly up my nose!!

I caught a cold (more like the death-flu) four weeks ago, and am only now getting over it. I just Zicam religiously for the first two weeks and then slacked off. This bug has just been lingering and lingering. I think if I used Zicam more religiously, it would be gone by now. But, I am thankful I used it as much as I did because it definitely decreased the severity of how bad it could have been.

Take care, feel better soon, and don't forget the Q's!!!

Anonymous said...

Joy, I swear, it is true, there's a difference with the swabs & just sticking it in your nose. I used to do the stick it in your nose, but then Chad bought me the swabs & it's soooo much better. My nose is runny for about 20 minutes but that's it. ((( )))