Monday, February 25, 2008

I'm so proud of myself for actually posting on a regular basis so let's keep it rolling shall we.........Tagged by my friend Nicole..........

1. Typically what time do you wake up? 7:00 am- I typically roll out closer to 7:20 to get the kids up.

2. On a really good night what time are th kids in bed? 8-8:30pm -- it takes that long to do all the reading; tucking; prayers; and bedtime madness.

3. How long have you been a mommy? Almost 10 years!!!! How did that happen?

4. How old were you when you became a mommy? 28

5. What is your favorite kids show? Word World (sooooo creative) & Backyardigans

6. What is your least favorite kids show? Sponge Bob and Fairly Odd Parents and the tween shows like Zack&Cody.

7. What is your favorite chore? I can't believe someone actually wrote that question- isn't that an oxymoron? making the beds (if I actually do it) b/c it makes all the rooms look much cleaner

8. What is your favorite meal to cook? Breakfast b/c everyone eats it w/o complaining

9. What is the meal you cook most often? I try to mix things up a lot but probably spaghetti it is quick and creeps up every two weeks or so

10. What is your kids favorite meal? going out........sigh

11. What is your favorite thing your husband does with your kids? he reads to them a lot but he also makes a point to have date nights with them so they can each have some daddy time.

12. What are 5 things that make you smile when you are being a mom? I love it most when they play together nicely and make each other laugh. I love watching Maggie enjoy the things I did (dance/drama/music); watching Sean play sports; listening to Amanda laugh (she has the best laugh); and snuggling with Ian.

13. If you could take your kids anywhere in the world where would it be? That's tough! probably Hawaii b/c they have been BEGGING to go for a while.

14. When was the last time you went out with your kids? Friday night we went out for Sean's bday.

15. What is your favorite past time/activity to do with your kids? going to the beach

16. Name 1 thing you said you'd never do as a mom? ground my kids for ridiculous amounts of time completely unrelated to the crime. I would get grounded for "six weeks" b/c I didn't do the dishes ONE night. And then after a few days, my mom would always let me off. @@ I refuse to do that stupidity.

17. Name 1 thing you do that your mom did: cook!

18. What is your favorite quality that your mom has? she is still close with her brothers & sisters

19. What is your favorite children's book? Hmmmmmm, There is a Monster at the end of this Book (Grover from Ses.Street; golden book) --- makes me laugh everytime and it's the one book I remember reading over&over as a kid.

20. Advice for new moms? Scrapbook -- celebrate your memories don't leave them on a camera, disk, or hard drive

21. What is your scariest or most heartbreaking moment as a mom? when Sean was sick with Kawasaki disease.

22. What is your most joyful moment as a mom? Mother's Day b/c they usually try to do extra special stuff and keep it a secret.

23. When was the last time one of your kids said I love you? 10 minutes ago from Ian

24. When was the last time you told one of your kids I love you? 10 minutes ago to Ian

25. Your biggest pet peeve as a mom? aw, just one...............that my kids will inevitably spill something or make a huge mess of crumbs 15 min. after I mop the floor.

Now I'm tagging ---- Amy(foil hat), Janet, Jen(trips), and Deana

1 comment:

Nicole said...

fun to read your tag too !