Friday, February 15, 2008

Thank goodness Valentine's Day is over. I am quickly becoming a Valentine's Day grinch. The madness of getting valentines for four kids and getting them all filled out just to be exchanged for a bag of paper and candy just makes me insane. Case in point:

Maggie -- had to have two different kinds b/c the boys wouldn't want Hello Kitty @@ So now we have extra cheap paper crap.

Sean -- only obliged b/c there was candy trading involved.

Amanda -- liked doing it but was scoping out her bag as the week progressed to make sure she was getting lots of candy.

Ian -- he can't even write yet, ferepetesake! AND the preschool specifically asks you not to bring candy, stickers, etc. And I am apparently the only lame parent who follows this rule. He had no clue who everyone in the class even was (they are in three mini-groups) nor did he understand the chaos of distributing them in the bags. He is THREE; they are his valentines. He didn't want to give them away. WHY do they do this?

So it was Red-Dye Candy Fest 2008 here yesterday afternoon.

Now, I thoroughly enjoyed getting roses from my husband and going to lunch with him. He liked his wine book and lunch as well. The kids each got a small something from us. I made a nice pot roast with veggies/roasted potatoes/fresh fruit/crescent rolls dinner along with some red velvet cupcakes for dessert. THESE people are my valentines -- I love them. This the reason for Valentine's Day; to remind those you love how special they are.

Not the candy trading madness and clutter creating paper trade that it has become.
OK, I'm done.


Nicole said...

AMEN!!!!!! The kids have fun, but I am also the only other lame parent that doesn't sugar up the whole thing! My gripe is that I now have bags of stuff everywhere and the kids don't want to throw them away! Oh well...

Kim said...

I am so glad Lizzy's diagnosis (diabetes) came after all the candy madness of grade school. It's hard enough that it seems every few months we have a holiday focused on candy for kids. Mine got a lovely card and cash this year. Easter will be my next obstacle. I can't say enough how much easier it gets as they age. Sure 3 hormonal girls are challenging, but they have the ability to reason! AND we finally enjoy many of the same movies. What Fun!