Wednesday, January 04, 2012

Never fear, I haven't given up on my resolution already; just got busy with work and the chaos of life again. I did take a picture yesterday :) Here's what Maggie and I are up to now....
Rehearsals! I've been cast as Sister Sophia and Frau Schmidt (again) and Maggie is Louisa. She will also fill in as a young nun when needed for chorus singing. I was Louisa in high school so she thinks it's cool that she gets to play that part.

And today Photo 4.....
The sock cemetary......doesn't everyone have one? Well ours is now buried in File 13. I think everyone should join me and bury their sock cemetaries; perhaps they will find a match on the Island of Mismatched Socks (right next to the Island of Misfit Toys for all you Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer fans).

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