Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Pull up a chair; it's a long one!

Was it really 13 days ago that I did my last post? I am still taking daily photos but it seems like I just blinked and now it's January 25th! Between rehearsals, homework projects, and what you call LIFE, I haven't managed to sit down and actually compose a post.
Let's start with a little review--
13....aren't these the most clever.....duct tape wallets (compliments of our little friend Max)....of course, black and gold for Ian and then Sean's even has an id pocket.
14.....more random cuteness....Ian....the snuggliest little dude...always willing to toss me a smile at the park.....with our friends' the Skverskys and Paynes....Grace fits right in with my blondies :)
16....and here is where I attempt to be June Clever. I've recently started packing Collin a lunch b/c he wants to eat better and he's tired of fast food. I did it for a couple of days and then he is now sick so I'm out of the habit. Oh well, I tried.
17......and the not-so-willing-to-toss-me-a-smile Maggie/starving after rehearsal/don't take my picture! girlie Amanda....on nights I have rehearsal she is often asleep before I get home. I love kissing her soft forehead and counting her as the blessing she is!
19.....the insanely spoiled dog....this is how I left him on Thursday night and this is exactly how I found him Friday morning. He greeted me with a yawn. (by the way, he does have a bed)
20....two of favorite things....scrapbooking and babies! My friend Laura joined us and brought her sweet little daughter. Ian and Amanda were smitten; it was so cute to watch them together.
21......hubby was out of town; kids and I had a late lunch so's what's for dinner :)
22....Sunday was full of house cleaning and laundry. Here is my biggest laundry FAIL to date. I haphazardly washed the tablecloth in photo #20 with a load of kids clothes. Um, those shirts sleeves WERE white and those jeans WERE a pale lime green. AND, another load had a sparkly lip gloss explode that ruined about six pieces of clothing. Bad laundry day, but nice clean house.
23....Costco at 8pm is deadly, especially since they close at 8:30. I felt like I was on Supermarket Sweep, but I did my damage. And this is only part of what I had to put away at 9pm (after I retrieved Mag from rehearsal)

And, last but not least, am I posting in the middle of the day? Because Ian is home "sick"
He's armed with his bed friends; the remote and some Ginger Ale. I thought he might be getting the bug Collin has been fighting when the school called for me to get him (99* temp and tummy ache). Alas, he is eating machine.....and not wanting to nap.
Silver lining his temp isn't going up and I got to update my blog.

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