Wednesday, July 17, 2013

All good things must come to an end

Our Ohio vacation is nearing it's end....a visit to Grandma's house always involves lots of time visiting with family, fishing, swimming, and go-cart riding.

And for the past 15yrs, it includes a trek up to Cedar Point if it happens to be a summer visit. We have seen the childrens' area evolve from Berenstein Bear country to Camp Snoopy over the years. And this trip has proven to be bittersweet. I think this is the last time that we will need to visit Camp Snoopy
because Ian is the caboose on the family train. While the old coal train is mostly my speed, the kids are all venturing on to bigger (and scarier) things.  Although Ian and I did bail on the GateKeeper at the last minute Even though I didn't make my 9yr old ride the insanely intimidating GateKeeper, he did ride the Raptor. He may have panicked on the way up the click-clacking-climb-of-death, but he admitted that he loved it. I told him that if he paid attention, I did my fair share of screaming and that the Raptor is my LIMIT. There was no GateKeeper,  Millenium Force, Gemini, Wicked Twister, Maverick or the like going to happen for me. He was very happy about that and was pleased to spend his time in Camp Snoopy while adding the Iron Dragon to his risk taking ventures. The 'big' kids are independent, brave, and coaster crazy. Maggie was highly disappointed by the fact that the Dragster broke down. Where have my babies gone? The time flew faster than a speeding coaster.

Yesterday, I ventured over to the Ohio State Reformatory with my sister-in-law and two oldest nieces. It was built in 1886. It looks like a majestic castle.
It is also the sight of where several movies and music videos have been filmed. Specifically, one of my all time favorites - Shawshank Redemption. The Reformatory itself was amazing; yet creepy. To think that 1,000s of prisoners, guards, wardens (and their families) lived here was unbelievable.
The temperature was hot and it was very icky, sticky in there. Contrast that to the bitter cold winters and this place must have been wicked. The ceilings are brick and the walls are THICK.
The 7x9 cells (for two people) were TINY. It is said that many parts of the place are haunted and I can tell you when I wandered away from the family to grab this picture, you better believe I quickly walked ran back to the area where the family was. It's the Shawshank safe!!! So cool.
But THIS gave me goosebumps.....
I's a movie prop. And they had Andy's escape tunnel too. But in this setting with the REAL jail all around, it was awesome. We had a really nice time and it was topped off by a grown-up dinner at Olive Garden. Sarah and Ann head to college soon; Sarah- a junior at College of Wooster who will soon be doing a semester in Russia! and Ann - a freshman at Dartmouth. Gone are their years at Camp Snoopy too.
Today we made our traditional visit to Downtown Mansfield for a ride on the historic carousel and a meal at Coney Island Diner.
They may get older, more independent and sillier but I'm hoping that there are some things they will never outgrow. Good times with family never come to an end.

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