Saturday, July 13, 2013

If you can't bet 'em, join 'em :)

Aaaaahhhhh, vacation in Ohio. It's really green.
And it's unusually cool too. Slight breeze and not much humidity. This year the farmer's field is soybeans and not corn so we have a really good view of the deer that come out to graze daily.
I've been fishing in the neighbor's pond with the boys and caught a bass :)
They are liking the fireflies too. Now, they are anxiously waiting for the grass to dry out some more so they can enjoy Grandma's go-cart without destroying the grass.
We went to a rib fest (small town rib fest but nevertheless delicious) and tonight we are probably going to hit the drive-in. Because there isn't much to do in small town Ohio. Except relax. And be on your computers.....
Sarah is working on her internship writing; Annie is wondering where her tranquilty went and where all these crazy cousins appeared from; and Kim is exploring all of the options for the most cost efficient way to get us to Cedar Point.
Really? I have to get in the car for an hour ride to a crowded amusement park in the heart of summer. Yes, I do - because we can't wait to hear "enjoy your ride at Cedar Point, America's Roller Coast" one more time. I can't promise that I'll attempt the Dragster
but I might be brave enough for the GateKeeper.
Keyword: might......don't count on it.
Maybe I need to go with what Sean says all the time, YOLO! Or, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em.

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