Monday, July 22, 2013

Another month/ another meal plan

July has been a wash so far with meal planning because we were on the go so much. However, now we are home for the long haul. People ask me all the time - how do you have time? why bother? So I will try to respond without sounding holier-than-though. Nothing is perfect but this system works pretty well for us.

1) How do I have time? --It really doesn't take much time at all. I only have to think about what to make for dinner 12 times a year. Isn't that surreal. It is a huge relief to pull out what needs to be thawed the day before and just have it in the fridge ready to go. No more daily hustle of trying to figure out dinner and ending up with pizza or fast food. Yesterday when we were just chilling I pulled out the folder of old menus; drew out a calendar on paper; and started asking 'dinner request?'. Usually I get several answers from each family member and then I start filling in the blanks from old menus. I try not to repeat things within the same month so when someone complains "spaghetti again?" I can respond with "we really on have it 12 times a year so hush :)"

2) Meal planning helps us stay on budget.  We spend a lot of money on food. Let me say that again, we spend A LOT of money on food but I shop sales, use coupons, and buy in bulk when it makes sense. For example, I bulk flax seed meal, brown sugar, nuts, couscous, etc. from the bulk bins at Sprouts. I buy smaller amounts than pre-packaged and it stays fresher because it all goes in a sealed container at home. I am also only buying what I'm going to use so there isn't a question about how long something has been hiding in the pantry because there isn't much extra in there. Of course, it has the essential snack, school lunch, extra items from a Costco run, but the core for cooking gets used. There is no random filling of the grocery cart; I buy what I need steering away from pre-packaged stuff. (here are some other specifics from an old post)

3) Meal planning reduces the amount of fast food we eat and keeps dining out to a minimum. If there is a plan, I/we have no excuse. Fast food and eating out are insanely expensive and terrible for you. Recently I have been noticing how SALTY food tastes when we eat 'convenience' foods. All of the traveling recently just reiterated how much I love when we have a meal plan and that I am helping my family stay healthy.

4) Meal planning is teaching my kids that eating a variety of foods is good for you. I would have never dreamed they would like mashed cauliflower, sautéed yellow squash, or polenta. They have come a LONG way and after years of exposing them to variety they will eat what I cook. They don't like sautéed spinach but I serve them a tablespoon full and still expect them to try it; they never know when their taste buds will change. I'm hoping one day they will thank me, but I'm not holding my breath.

So that brings me to the current plan --- end of July until August 17; I included my random notes about ingredients and meat so I can see what I have in the freezer or leftover.
22nd - baked chicken, stmd. broccoli, fruit salad
23rd - manicotti (ricotta, spinach, prosciutto, parm), salad
24th - tacos (ground turkey), black beans
25th - chicken pot pie (using leftover chicken from 22nd), melon & berries
26th - swiss steak (top round) with onion & bell pepp, mashed potato
27th - grilled red snapper, mashed cauliflower, asparagus
28th - parm.-lemon mahi mahi, sautéed grn beans, garlic mashed potatoes
29th - baked ziti with Italian sausage, sautéed eggplant
30th - chicken cordon bleu, creamy polenta, salad
31st - meatloaf (beef/turkey), green peas, baked mac n' cheese
Aug. 1 - chicken stir-fry, homemade fried rice
2nd - chicken quesadillas, refried beans
3rd - grilled fish (check sales), baked sweet potato, sautéed spinach
4th  - spaghetti with turkey meatballs, salad
5th - tuna melts, fruit salad
6th - chicken enchiladas, Mexican rice
7th - Boboli (make our own pizza), ceasar salad
8th - sausage sandwiches, sautéed yellow squash, cantaloupe
9th - chef salad, fruit
10th - rib-eye steak (freezer), Ranch red potatoes, creamed corn
11th - bbq pork butt (freezer), stmd. carrots & brocc., watermelon
12th  - red beans & rice, French bread, salad
13th - carnitas tacos (leftover from 11th), corn salsa
14th - tuna patties, wwht pasta salad, fruit
15th - sloppy joes, salad
16th - crusted tilapia, risotto, green beans
17th - hot dogs, fruit salad 

Some days are healthier than others; but overall I'm good with it. Home cooking is still better than most anything I can buy. I say 'most anything' because homemade French fries still don't hold a candle to McDonald's fries.

Off to prep the chicken for the oven............Happy Eating!

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