Sunday, July 21, 2013

I got nothin'

I am out of gas. Six road trips since the beginning of April....includes moving across the country. Trying to make life fun on a budget. Minimal hotel stays on our trips because we stay with friends and family. And apparently I am still failing.

I am tired. Tired of trying to make ends meet. I am not a spend-thrift by any means. I meal-plan and shop for what we eat. I can't afford Nordstrom's; I usually get my kids clothes at Kohl's (on sale with a coupon), Old Navy on sale, or Target. How do people do it? I will be applying for another merchandising job to see if I can add another penny to the pot.

I am a grumpy mess. Still running on this hamster wheel of life. I am trying to be quiet and drown myself in housework but it's not working. I wish I were prepping my classroom for VBS like I have for the last 8 years or so but that's a distant memory now. :(

So for today, I have nothing. Nothing fun to blog about. I try to keep the blog as a journal overall so today I log a post about the days that are stressful, mundane, and depressing. Have a great week to all of our friends at Good Shepherd VBS.

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