2013 has been quite the whirlwind for us overall. I thought I would take some time and make a video montage of our year. I am happy to report that I accomplished TWO of my New Year's resolutions from January.....I did take a photo a day (sometimes capturing the mundane things like dirty dishes but I did it) AND I managed to blog more than I have in almost four years. I will admit to shedding a few tears while I created, edited, rearranged, and added pics to this year in review. Tears of joy shed that remind me how blessed we are with great friends and family whether near or far. Tears of happiness for fond memories traveling many, many miles (and blocking out the random meltdowns after many, many hours of road-tripping).
Our Year in Review (via One True Media)
Looking forward to more travel and memory making in 2014.....hoping to add Mardi Gras and Virginia to our lists along with visiting family in Georgia and an extended CA visit (maybe) in the summer. My new camera is ready for lots of use; I hope to share more our craziness with you in 2014.
A blog about anything & everything; mostly about my adventures of motherhood and my family.
Tuesday, December 31, 2013
Good-bye 2013!
about Me,
being a Mom,
favorite things,
Kids stuff,
LOVE stuff,
Sunday, December 29, 2013
Genius moment
BUT as hard as I have tried over the YEARS, my children still use an ungodly amount of cups on a daily basis. Yes, cups. My dishwasher overflows with their madness. I know they are capable of using ONE cup per day (they do it at other peoples' houses) but no matter how much I ask, harp, preach, nag, and scream they DO NOT get it. Sooooo, I have to outsmart them.
Amanda got her blue-lidded Tervis for her birthday from a friend. That is when I had my lightbulb moment. Everyone needs their own cup.......one they can call their own, one that they cannot blame on someone else when left randomly all over the house, one they can reach for and then remember that they love it because it keeps their drink hot/cold. Even Collin got a large sized Saints/Camo Tervis. Score one for MOM! I have my Starbucks straw cup so we all now have an insulated style cup to help minimize the dishes.
I am happy to say that so far it is working. I highly recommend the splurge for Tervis. There are not many things that I pay extra for but I am glad that I didn't skimp on these (grateful for the sale though).
Now, if I could figure out a better laundry solution. Any genius Mom ideas out there?
about Me,
being a Mom,
Kids stuff,
LOVE stuff,
Monday, December 23, 2013
Holiday Hoopla!
These days it feels like I'm jumping through hoops. Here are my thoughts in a few random sentences ---
1. Wrapping presents in code is fun. Sean can't stand the temptation of gifts with his name on them so this year each child gets all his/her gifts wrapped in the same paper; the kicker is that they don't know who has what paper. They love it. Sweet.
2. Working retail, especially toys, is pure madness this time of year.
3. Peppermint brownies, sugar cookies, butterscotch cornflake candy, chex mix muddy buddies, check! Still on agenda - fudge attempt #2 (REALLY need to get that candy thermometer!) and choc. chip cookies.
4. Cannot commit to doing gingerbread houses this year. They are just as happy with a handful of candy. And I hate the fact that theydestroy eat them within minutes of decorating them. I am a Grinch when it comes to this.
5. Some day I will get to sleep in, right?
6. NO Elf-on-the-shelf for us. I think it's creepy. We've had magical elves for YEARS (copied form my sister-in-law).....they are always watching. And they leave a little something in the gift bags outside their bedrooms on the nights of the 21, 22, and 23 if the kids have been good. I thought they were too old for elf checks, but muchto my chagrin to my surprise they were asking about the elves last week. Creative mini-gifts is hard enough work without having to go overachiever with a creepy doll for a month.
7. Watching loads of Christmas shows and movies when the opportunity arises. I hope we remembered to DVR The Polar Express.
8. Looking forward to seeing Saving Mr. Banks over the Christmas break. Any other must-see movies out there?
Merry Christmas! May this holiday hustle and bustle slow to a gentle pace and allow us all to savor the blessings in our lives.
1. Wrapping presents in code is fun. Sean can't stand the temptation of gifts with his name on them so this year each child gets all his/her gifts wrapped in the same paper; the kicker is that they don't know who has what paper. They love it. Sweet.
2. Working retail, especially toys, is pure madness this time of year.
3. Peppermint brownies, sugar cookies, butterscotch cornflake candy, chex mix muddy buddies, check! Still on agenda - fudge attempt #2 (REALLY need to get that candy thermometer!) and choc. chip cookies.
4. Cannot commit to doing gingerbread houses this year. They are just as happy with a handful of candy. And I hate the fact that they
5. Some day I will get to sleep in, right?
6. NO Elf-on-the-shelf for us. I think it's creepy. We've had magical elves for YEARS (copied form my sister-in-law).....they are always watching. And they leave a little something in the gift bags outside their bedrooms on the nights of the 21, 22, and 23 if the kids have been good. I thought they were too old for elf checks, but much
7. Watching loads of Christmas shows and movies when the opportunity arises. I hope we remembered to DVR The Polar Express.
8. Looking forward to seeing Saving Mr. Banks over the Christmas break. Any other must-see movies out there?
Merry Christmas! May this holiday hustle and bustle slow to a gentle pace and allow us all to savor the blessings in our lives.
about Me,
being a Mom,
Kids stuff,
Monday musings
Sunday, December 08, 2013
It's beginning to look at lot like Christmas
And feel like Christmas too!!! Welcome ice storm whatever-your-name-is ---the Texas version of frozen tundra I suppose. The layer of ice has crushed the outdoor decorating possibilities of Clark Griswold Collin. However, it has brought the kids' dreams alive with a cancelled day of school this past Friday and the possibility of one more day off tomorrow. They have enjoyed many hours of ice play complete with using corrugated boxes, Rubbermaid storage lids, cookie sheets, and pool floats for sledding devices. Oh to be young again -- I risk life and limb just trying to get to the trash can without falling.
I have a new appreciation for the importance of a MUD ROOM and desperately wish I had one at this point. My front entry looks like the entire neighborhood dumped their gear before attempting to thaw with hot chocolate and Christmas shows.
We have been productive - the Christmas tree is up! (I think it needs ribbon garland though)
and I ordered the Christmas cards today (and I count this blog post as productive too!)
Other words or phrases that describe our last few days --- fireplace, donuts, pajamas, ice, treacherous (and successful) shopping with Collin, blankets, Christmas movies, ice, street skating/sliding, wet gloves, Christmas carols on the piano, ice, ice, ice.
I still need to get the fall decorations put away but I need some of them to thaw first.
So for today I will enjoy our Thanksgiving dinner that we are making today so we can enjoy some leftovers this week. And I will cheer on the Saints in front of our cozy fireplace but I suppose I should shower and change my pajamas first.
about Me,
being a Mom,
Kids stuff,
Thursday, November 21, 2013
Food - talking about it yet again!
I am failing this month......failing at meal planning......and it makes me feel awful. The annoying 'what are we having for dinner?', 'do I have anything I can defrost?', 'do I have all the ingredients?' thoughts roll through my brain constantly and I hate it. Yet, I haven't sat down and done it. I WILL do one for December, NO MATTER WHAT!
But, meal planning, hasn't been the only food matter boggling my mind lately. I have heard/read about two stories recently that have my mind boggled: 1) a Canadian preschool sent a letter home saying that sack lunches were no longer acceptable unless there was a doctor's note for medical necessity and 2) a preschool (Canadian too?) fined a mother, who provided a perfectly acceptable lunch, for not providing a grain/ they provided garbage Ritz crackers and sent her the bill.
I know the overall idea is schools provide meals to kids because sometimes it is the child's only 'healthy' meal. Let's all feel good about that. However, I am here to tell say what they provide overall is GARBAGE. Gone are the days of hot food cafeterias with funny lunch ladies in silly hair nets; gone is the fresh prepared food; gone are the trays with silverware and the clanking of the dishwasher. After working at the elementary level for three years, I saw what Irvine (a good district) provided for hot meals........prepackaged, plastic wrapped need-to-be-reheated entrees that were along the lines of chicken nuggets, cheeseburgers, bagel pizzas, taco sticks, and occasionally fried chicken and mashed potatoes; vegetables that were rarely taken (or just tossed in the trash), sometimes fresh fruit but mostly prepackaged fruit cups, and milk or juice. If you are vegetarian, you are stuck with a random mac-n-cheese or plastic wrapped quesadilla with little to no nutritional value.
So, I ask WHY and HOW it is acceptable for the school to tell ME what I can and cannot do with my childrens' lunches. How dare they? So many thoughts run through my mind:
1) What if my child needed a special diet - nut free/ gluten free/ dairy free/ egg free/ vegetarian/ paleo/ low-carb or whatever-the-hell the new rage is.....they should not have to have a note about it. What about kids with texture issues? It is what they eat, period. I have packed it; let them eat in peace.
2) Why is it the school's business what I give my kids to eat? I promise that as skinny as Ian is, he isn't malnutritioned. You have NO RIGHT to tell me what or what not to feed my kids. Even if I asked for lunch assistance, you are feeding my kids mostly crap. Don't deny it. If I am doing well, my kids will get veggies and fruit along with the sandwich on whole wheat bread, string cheese, potato chips, and granola bar. If I am having a bad morning, need groceries, simply not being motivated, or JUST BECAUSE, they will come with peanut butter and jelly (maybe even on white bread, the horror!), a few wheat thins, perhaps some cereal in a bag, and an applesauce. You got that???? Some parents send their kids with lunchables everyday but who am I to judge? I won't give my kids that, but why is it ok for the schools to decide what my kids have. I have seen some multicultural lunches in Irvine; I promise the homemade sushi rolls a lot of those kids get are way better than anything the school is serving.
3) How do schools have time or energy to micromanage lunches? I have worked at preschools too. At the preschool, we were supervising and helping open containers/packages, but we let the kids choose what they ate, when they ate it, and how much was consumed. I was more concerned about keeping them in one place and preventing choking than about Johnny eating his sandwich first. If Mom sends in chocolate pudding, etc. it is not my place to tell them to eat the sandwich first. That is Mom's battle to fight at home, but I promise if you send a 3yr old. with cookies or pudding they are eating it first. (Heck, my favorite saying is Eat Desserts First!)
4) Lastly, it is not about providing nutrition. It is about more control. It is not about preventing childhood obesity. If it were, then why are they providing processed garbage and cutting PE time.
Things like this really bring out the Momma Bear in me. I will continue to provide my kids with packed lunches that include homemade chicken noodle soup, chili, or gumbo; whole grain crackers; homemade chicken salad; leftover pot roast; hard-boiled eggs; sandwiches (nothing better than pb&j on Sunbeam bread!); pudding cups; Little Debbie cakes; granola bars; and whatever the heck I want.
Maybe adding nutrition to curriculums and not cutting PE time (or art/music programs that foster brain development) might be a better investment of time and energy.
And while they are busy staying out of my kids lunches and focusing on the important stuff, maybe they will realize that Common Core isn't all that great either. But that's another rant for another day.
But, meal planning, hasn't been the only food matter boggling my mind lately. I have heard/read about two stories recently that have my mind boggled: 1) a Canadian preschool sent a letter home saying that sack lunches were no longer acceptable unless there was a doctor's note for medical necessity and 2) a preschool (Canadian too?) fined a mother, who provided a perfectly acceptable lunch, for not providing a grain/ they provided garbage Ritz crackers and sent her the bill.
I know the overall idea is schools provide meals to kids because sometimes it is the child's only 'healthy' meal. Let's all feel good about that. However, I am here to tell say what they provide overall is GARBAGE. Gone are the days of hot food cafeterias with funny lunch ladies in silly hair nets; gone is the fresh prepared food; gone are the trays with silverware and the clanking of the dishwasher. After working at the elementary level for three years, I saw what Irvine (a good district) provided for hot meals........prepackaged, plastic wrapped need-to-be-reheated entrees that were along the lines of chicken nuggets, cheeseburgers, bagel pizzas, taco sticks, and occasionally fried chicken and mashed potatoes; vegetables that were rarely taken (or just tossed in the trash), sometimes fresh fruit but mostly prepackaged fruit cups, and milk or juice. If you are vegetarian, you are stuck with a random mac-n-cheese or plastic wrapped quesadilla with little to no nutritional value.
So, I ask WHY and HOW it is acceptable for the school to tell ME what I can and cannot do with my childrens' lunches. How dare they? So many thoughts run through my mind:
1) What if my child needed a special diet - nut free/ gluten free/ dairy free/ egg free/ vegetarian/ paleo/ low-carb or whatever-the-hell the new rage is.....they should not have to have a note about it. What about kids with texture issues? It is what they eat, period. I have packed it; let them eat in peace.
2) Why is it the school's business what I give my kids to eat? I promise that as skinny as Ian is, he isn't malnutritioned. You have NO RIGHT to tell me what or what not to feed my kids. Even if I asked for lunch assistance, you are feeding my kids mostly crap. Don't deny it. If I am doing well, my kids will get veggies and fruit along with the sandwich on whole wheat bread, string cheese, potato chips, and granola bar. If I am having a bad morning, need groceries, simply not being motivated, or JUST BECAUSE, they will come with peanut butter and jelly (maybe even on white bread, the horror!), a few wheat thins, perhaps some cereal in a bag, and an applesauce. You got that???? Some parents send their kids with lunchables everyday but who am I to judge? I won't give my kids that, but why is it ok for the schools to decide what my kids have. I have seen some multicultural lunches in Irvine; I promise the homemade sushi rolls a lot of those kids get are way better than anything the school is serving.
3) How do schools have time or energy to micromanage lunches? I have worked at preschools too. At the preschool, we were supervising and helping open containers/packages, but we let the kids choose what they ate, when they ate it, and how much was consumed. I was more concerned about keeping them in one place and preventing choking than about Johnny eating his sandwich first. If Mom sends in chocolate pudding, etc. it is not my place to tell them to eat the sandwich first. That is Mom's battle to fight at home, but I promise if you send a 3yr old. with cookies or pudding they are eating it first. (Heck, my favorite saying is Eat Desserts First!)
4) Lastly, it is not about providing nutrition. It is about more control. It is not about preventing childhood obesity. If it were, then why are they providing processed garbage and cutting PE time.
Things like this really bring out the Momma Bear in me. I will continue to provide my kids with packed lunches that include homemade chicken noodle soup, chili, or gumbo; whole grain crackers; homemade chicken salad; leftover pot roast; hard-boiled eggs; sandwiches (nothing better than pb&j on Sunbeam bread!); pudding cups; Little Debbie cakes; granola bars; and whatever the heck I want.
Maybe adding nutrition to curriculums and not cutting PE time (or art/music programs that foster brain development) might be a better investment of time and energy.
And while they are busy staying out of my kids lunches and focusing on the important stuff, maybe they will realize that Common Core isn't all that great either. But that's another rant for another day.
Thursday, November 07, 2013
Motherhood is a dirty job
I try to keep a clean house; even more so since we moved. My house is not a museum but overall it is clean. Bathrooms are clean; dusting occurs regularly; dishes get done; floors get mopped and vacuumed. However, some projects simply get delayed, and then procrastinated. Today I jumped into conquering the oven; it was time especially after Collin's latest batch of deer jerky.
Here is my latest cleaning tip for oven racks and gas burner stove grids.....
I thought I was pretty clever. They soaked for two hours while I scrubbed, wiped, rinsed, and scrubbed some more-- the oven and the stovetop. I have a self-cleaning oven but I hate the smell it emits so I decided to use the good ol' fashioned way - elbow grease. I worked for 2-1/2 hrs. and there was still room for improvement but the tub trick worked.
Here is my latest cleaning tip for oven racks and gas burner stove grids.....
I thought I was pretty clever. They soaked for two hours while I scrubbed, wiped, rinsed, and scrubbed some more-- the oven and the stovetop. I have a self-cleaning oven but I hate the smell it emits so I decided to use the good ol' fashioned way - elbow grease. I worked for 2-1/2 hrs. and there was still room for improvement but the tub trick worked.
Gross, huh???? You can see the tub USED to be clean in the first pic but now this is the gross disgusting mess. The stovetop isn't perfect but much improved. (How does it get that bad anyway when I wipe it down daily?) Like most cleaning adventures, this puts me into 'if-you-give-a-mouse-a-cookie cleaning mode', first the oven, now the tub, then? It's like crazy pregnancy nesting, but I'm not pregnant!
This cleaning project is a lot like motherhood and life. Life is messy. It gets dirty even if you do your best to maintain things. Then you reach a point where you have to stop procrastinating and pull up your bootstraps (or your cleaning gloves) and work hard. No one likes to do the dirty work but dealing with it and making it things better is rewarding. The new situation may not be perfect but hardwork pays off.
Sunday, October 27, 2013
Time is flying....
How is it that I haven't posted in over a month? But even more mind boggling is the fact that we have been in Texas for 6-1/2months!!! (and some of our Irvine friends have moved to Austin too!) The last month has been a blur but I did have a few random notes to blog about so here is a sample of life:
1) Fall is HERE.....regular rain, cool temps, and changing leaves. The geese have arrived on the pond. It is so nice to actually have a change of season. And weird dry Santana winds aren't involved.
3) The clear blue sky here is simply beautiful, yet sometimes blinding. My body had forgotten what a sky looked like after being hidden in a layer of smog for 20 years.
2) Scrapbooking is good for my soul. I am happy to say that Sean's school album is completely up to date. He is officially in 8th grade. Ian, on the other hand, is still in preschool. Small victories, right?
3) Sick pets SUCK. No polite way to put it. Fritz had a terrible bout of pancreatinitis and many $$$ later he has recovered thankfully. But, I can't imagine if he gets sick again. Our finances can't handle it.
4) School projects are bad enough but the overachieving parents need to just STOP IT already! Stop doing your kids work for them please; you aren't helping them become successful. Let them earn their own grades. Unless you plan do their work projects when they become adults, teach them now how to plan and meet deadlines. Thanks :)
5) Pumpkin bread and pumpkin muffins make my family very happy; maybe as happy as a pumpkin spice latte for me.
6) I have started Christmas shopping. The reality that it is less than two months away is crazy. I get confused because as far as retail goes I think they started with Christmas decorations in July.
7) Why is there such hysteria over the 'What Does the Fox Say?' I still think I have been punked and these guys are making money over this insanity. What happened to real music? And why does this song get stuck in my head?
8) However, the dog teaser video that went viral on YouTube is beyond funny. Here it is if you haven't seen it....our family now uses this reaction for everything..blahhhhh! Much better than real whining.
and last but not least
9) Enjoy this bit of great performing. Band has really been a great (albeit exhausting) experience for Maggie. They are busy with football games and competition season. Here is there show performance. They won the Classic on the Lake but yesterday they didn't qualify to go to state to represent our area. I think they are awesome and should be really proud of their hardwork: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MFmKNJoXg0g;
1) Fall is HERE.....regular rain, cool temps, and changing leaves. The geese have arrived on the pond. It is so nice to actually have a change of season. And weird dry Santana winds aren't involved.
3) The clear blue sky here is simply beautiful, yet sometimes blinding. My body had forgotten what a sky looked like after being hidden in a layer of smog for 20 years.
2) Scrapbooking is good for my soul. I am happy to say that Sean's school album is completely up to date. He is officially in 8th grade. Ian, on the other hand, is still in preschool. Small victories, right?
3) Sick pets SUCK. No polite way to put it. Fritz had a terrible bout of pancreatinitis and many $$$ later he has recovered thankfully. But, I can't imagine if he gets sick again. Our finances can't handle it.
4) School projects are bad enough but the overachieving parents need to just STOP IT already! Stop doing your kids work for them please; you aren't helping them become successful. Let them earn their own grades. Unless you plan do their work projects when they become adults, teach them now how to plan and meet deadlines. Thanks :)
5) Pumpkin bread and pumpkin muffins make my family very happy; maybe as happy as a pumpkin spice latte for me.
6) I have started Christmas shopping. The reality that it is less than two months away is crazy. I get confused because as far as retail goes I think they started with Christmas decorations in July.
7) Why is there such hysteria over the 'What Does the Fox Say?' I still think I have been punked and these guys are making money over this insanity. What happened to real music? And why does this song get stuck in my head?
8) However, the dog teaser video that went viral on YouTube is beyond funny. Here it is if you haven't seen it....our family now uses this reaction for everything..blahhhhh! Much better than real whining.
and last but not least
9) Enjoy this bit of great performing. Band has really been a great (albeit exhausting) experience for Maggie. They are busy with football games and competition season. Here is there show performance. They won the Classic on the Lake but yesterday they didn't qualify to go to state to represent our area. I think they are awesome and should be really proud of their hardwork: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MFmKNJoXg0g;
Thursday, September 19, 2013
Food for thought
It's no secret that I think about food a lot --- I like to cook; I meal plan; I pack my kids lunches daily; I pack a snack cooler for my husband; I try to bring snacks if I have a drive between work locations so I don't get tempted by fastfood; I love coupons; I LIKE TO EAT; I have a sweet tooth.
But, the other day, I was eating some sautéed eggplant with dinner and my brain immediately jumped into MEMORY mode. You know the kind of memory I'm talking about. The one that comes from deep within your soul and brings you back to another place in time. I started talking about how sautéed eggplant brings me back to my Granny Frances's house in Big Spring, TX; I only visited there during my childhood but I can remember her kitchen and her sautéed eggplant; and how I loved it so much. I guess I will carry a little piece of my Granny with me always.
And what is even more bizarre is the food memories that are BAD!!! Here are a few of mine:
1) spaghetti O's -- NOOO....didn't really ever like them but ate some; woke up puking in my sleep; to this day I can't even stand the smell of them. shudder.
2) watermelon -- I'm sure it was a super fun 4th of July. I remember running all over the neighborhood and eating loads of watermelon and Fruit Stripe gum. I swallowed all of the gum. When my body revolved that night and I woke up sick, I was ruined for life. To this day, I am a 'watermelon snob.' If it is remotely mealy and not sweet, I won't touch it. I always make my kids taste it before I will try it.
3) Orange Soda -- four traditional glucose preganancy tests were bad enough but then I had a 3hr. glucose test. UGH. Only on a rare occasion would I have wanted an orange soda; now I will never drink one ever again. Monster-type drinks are in this category too. I tried a sip once at the beach and I almost threw up right there.
4) and maybe the grossiest of all --- BAD milk. Too many bad milk cartons from random school lunches over the years I guess. I will sniff any and all milk before I attempt a sip. Scarred for life by milk.
Let's switch bad to the GOOD stuff before I ruin my/your day:
1) Roman Meal bread - my Grandma Parks always had it in her little house. And I was always intrigued by the orange bag and begged for a piece of her special bread. Simply delicious.
2) And popcorn balls -- this memory is close to 40yrs. old but I can remember my Grandma and Grandpa (he died when I was 4) making popcorn balls in their kitchen. How incredibly sweet and delicious they were. And then someone in our neighbor gave homemade ones out on Halloween - the smell wafted for hours on end while they made batch after batch. Kettle corn ain't got nothing on my grandparents :)
3) coconut custard pie --another Texas specialty by my Aunt Mac -- Christmas meant Aunt Mac's pies! And chocolate silk and lemon meringue and pecan. Oh my sweet tooth. A special Christmas memory that seemed so routine at the time but means so much now.
4) Toast with butter and grape jelly --Camp Abbey summer camp. Not necessarily warm either. So yummy (out of the stainless steel bins) especially since some of the food was strange (like powdered milk).
5) Ice Cream Man - Drumstick was the ONLY choice on the rare occasion that my Mom let us get it.
6) Cherries and Creole Tomatoes - not eaten together but when purchased from the road-side stand in Raceland, LA they were heaven on earth.
I'm hoping that my children are already developing some random good food memories. Maybe corn casserole on Thanksgiving; Dad's bbq'd ribs and the smell of the smoker; and maybe even Mom's chicken salad on the beach (let's hope that's not a bad memory because of any random sand that got mixed in). And Coney Island hot dogs when we visit Mansfield, OH when visiting Grandma Hall.
Now that I'm hungry for creole tomatoes I guess I'll venture out to see if I can find some.
about Me,
being a Mom,
favorite things,
LOVE stuff
Monday, September 16, 2013
Because it's really all about FOOD, isn't it!
MEAL PLAN ALERT: It's that time again.....sharing the plan :)
I'm thinking I should get a new crockpot since I am planning to use it this month....
Sept 15: bbq brisket, corn-on-cob, beans
9/16: brisket soft tacos (leftovers), corn&black bean mix, tortilla chips (Sean-football game)
9/17: lasagna, baked eggplant, garlic bread (PTA mtg.)
9/18: chicken pot pies, fruit
9/19: grilled fish, risotto, peas
9/20: chicken enchiladas, Mexican rice
9/21: hamburgers, baked fries, melon
9/22: London broil, garlic mashed potatoes, green beans
9/23: red beans & rice with sausage, rice, salad
9/24: crockpot roast (carrots, potato, turnip), crusty rolls (Sean-football game)
9/25: stuffed chicken breast (spinach & cheese), Stove Top stuffing, asparagus
9/26: breakfast for dinner (pancakes, bacon, eggs)
9/27: spaghetti w/meatsauce, salad (FHS game)
9/28: smoked pork roast, parsley red potatoes, sautéed squash
9/29: shrimp, potato salad, sautéed spinach
9/30: chicken stir-fry, fried rice
Oct. 1: white beans & ham (freezer), rice, salad (Sean-football game)
10/2: baked potato bar (chili, cheese, broccoli, chives, sour cream), fruit
10/3: tilapia piccata, green beans, ranch red potatoes
10/4: Boboli (pepp., sausage, cheese, green peppers, olives) (FHS game)
10/5: bbq chicken, baked sweet potato, coleslaw
10/6: chili, cornbread, sautéed greens
10/7: Babe's.....out for Amanda's birthday!!!
10/8: ham steaks, mac n' cheese, peas (Sean - football game)
10/9: tuna melts, fruit salad
10/10: pork chops, perogies, sautéed sugar snap peas
10/11: sloppy joes, salad (FHS game)
10/12: fried catfish, mac n' cheese, soybeans (did I really plan mac n' cheese twice in one week??? guess I will double batch from Tuesday)
10/13: crawfish etoufee, stmd. broccoli & cauliflower
10/14: meatloaf, stmd. carrots, couscous
10/15: shake n' bake pork chops, stmd. broccoli, wild rice blend
10/16: baked ziti w/Italian sausage, salad (Sean - football game)
10/17: NOT cooking ---- my birthday :)
10/18: tacos/quesadillas, refried beans (FHS game)
10/19: calzones, salad
Now if the weather would cool off, I would be thrilled to add some yummy soups and assorted fall dishes. But still waiting for below 75 for that.
Happy Eating :) ..... off to Sean's first game as an 8th grader....
I'm thinking I should get a new crockpot since I am planning to use it this month....
Sept 15: bbq brisket, corn-on-cob, beans
9/16: brisket soft tacos (leftovers), corn&black bean mix, tortilla chips (Sean-football game)
9/17: lasagna, baked eggplant, garlic bread (PTA mtg.)
9/18: chicken pot pies, fruit
9/19: grilled fish, risotto, peas
9/20: chicken enchiladas, Mexican rice
9/21: hamburgers, baked fries, melon
9/22: London broil, garlic mashed potatoes, green beans
9/23: red beans & rice with sausage, rice, salad
9/24: crockpot roast (carrots, potato, turnip), crusty rolls (Sean-football game)
9/25: stuffed chicken breast (spinach & cheese), Stove Top stuffing, asparagus
9/26: breakfast for dinner (pancakes, bacon, eggs)
9/27: spaghetti w/meatsauce, salad (FHS game)
9/28: smoked pork roast, parsley red potatoes, sautéed squash
9/29: shrimp, potato salad, sautéed spinach
9/30: chicken stir-fry, fried rice
Oct. 1: white beans & ham (freezer), rice, salad (Sean-football game)
10/2: baked potato bar (chili, cheese, broccoli, chives, sour cream), fruit
10/3: tilapia piccata, green beans, ranch red potatoes
10/4: Boboli (pepp., sausage, cheese, green peppers, olives) (FHS game)
10/5: bbq chicken, baked sweet potato, coleslaw
10/6: chili, cornbread, sautéed greens
10/7: Babe's.....out for Amanda's birthday!!!
10/8: ham steaks, mac n' cheese, peas (Sean - football game)
10/9: tuna melts, fruit salad
10/10: pork chops, perogies, sautéed sugar snap peas
10/11: sloppy joes, salad (FHS game)
10/12: fried catfish, mac n' cheese, soybeans (did I really plan mac n' cheese twice in one week??? guess I will double batch from Tuesday)
10/13: crawfish etoufee, stmd. broccoli & cauliflower
10/14: meatloaf, stmd. carrots, couscous
10/15: shake n' bake pork chops, stmd. broccoli, wild rice blend
10/16: baked ziti w/Italian sausage, salad (Sean - football game)
10/17: NOT cooking ---- my birthday :)
10/18: tacos/quesadillas, refried beans (FHS game)
10/19: calzones, salad
Now if the weather would cool off, I would be thrilled to add some yummy soups and assorted fall dishes. But still waiting for below 75 for that.
Happy Eating :) ..... off to Sean's first game as an 8th grader....
about Me,
being a Mom,
Kids stuff
Thursday, September 12, 2013
Thursday thoughts
Just some random thinking for a Thursday:
1) Band season is in full swing. We experienced our first Friday Night Lights late week when we attended the Homecoming game. Band was great; football was awful. Hoping it was just a bad week for the team.
1) Band season is in full swing. We experienced our first Friday Night Lights late week when we attended the Homecoming game. Band was great; football was awful. Hoping it was just a bad week for the team.
2) Sean made the 'A' team for 8th grade football. He is pretty excited about it. We are proud of him and all his hardwork. Rolling out of bed at 6am for early morning practice is gnarly but at least it isn't in the blazing TX heat. His first game is Monday and we can't wait!
3) Yesterday was 9/11.....I really need to stop watching all the dedications and such. I had no idea 12 years ago how sad the entire history making episode would still be. I have never been to NY; didn't know anyone in the towers; cannot even grasp the enormity of it all (still!). And it still makes me cry. We will never forget.
4) And as 9/11 passes, it means Amanda's birthday is approaching. I remember being a month away from my due date. How is she almost 12?
5) And that means Christmas shopping is upon us. (It's been Christmas season at Costco and Hobby Lobby for a month!) I will admit I have one small gift and three stocking stuffers so far. But that hardly makes a dent in reality. Sean is easy - he just wants Beats headphones and a pool table, um what????
6) On Sunday, Fritz was SICK. Poor little thing could hardly walk and barfed projectile vomited on the carpet. He didn't move for hours and could barely lift his head to his bowl for water. Then after about 6 hours he started emerging back to life. So weird; wonder if he ate one of the baby (one-inch long) lizards we keep finding in the house. Side note: vinegar and water works wonder on carpet!
7) Currently we are going through about three loaves of bread a week. GAH! That's 25 sandwiches for lunches (Sean has two) + any I might eat and random toast for breakfast. Good heavens.
8) I added on another merchandising job. So currently I'm up to sunglasses for two stores and jewelry at one, all Targets. With other small projects added on here and there I am making about 65% of what I did in CA; not bad on 15hrs. or less a week. I worked about 28/week in Irvine.
9) Ian got his cast off yesterday. Woot! He is in a boot for a short bit though. Based on what was under his cast (leaves, grass, etc.), the doc thought we should give him a reminder that he is nursing an injury and that he can't go crazy again just yet.
10) And one final note, it's not hump day, but the commercial still makes me laugh everyone single time!
Hoping your Thursday is filled with something that makes you laugh too!
about Me,
being a Mom,
in the news,
Kids stuff
Monday, September 09, 2013
End of an era
Almost 10 years ago, I got a new Suburban for my birthday. I LOVED the Burb; so roomy with four kiddos and the assorted gear. We took road trips to San Francisco, Arizona, Big Bear, Santa Barbara and more. We spent countless hours at the beach with some adventures to Bass Lake with a boat in tow and all. It was a good, reliable vehicle. A bit of a gas guzzler but I really loved that car (despite my poor ability to park it).
143K miles later.....This past week we bid it a fond farewell. In our attempt to cut costs, it was time to sell it.
It was time for it provide reliability, safety, and adventure to another family. Goodbye Burb - goodbye extra insurance payment.
143K miles later.....This past week we bid it a fond farewell. In our attempt to cut costs, it was time to sell it.
It was time for it provide reliability, safety, and adventure to another family. Goodbye Burb - goodbye extra insurance payment.
Thursday, August 29, 2013
What's cooking?
Well if the question were WHO is cooking, the answer would be me :) What about you? Cooking is cheaper, healthier (overall), and can even be fun. And I want my kids to 'come home' for home cooking when they get older so I'm trying to set the tone now. I know they will really be looking for laundry help and Collin's bbq but I like to pretend sometimes.
Here's the latest meal plan (going back a bit so because I use these posts for reference later):
Aug. 18 - leftovers; soup & quesadilla
Aug. 19 - gholash (gr. beef); salad
Aug. 20 - roasted chicken; mash. potato&gravy; salad
Aug. 21 - pork chops; polenta; green beans
Aug. 22 - hamburgers; fresh fruit
Aug. 23 - lasagna; eggplant; garlic bread
Aug. 24 - smoked pork roast; twice-baked potato; corn on cob
Aug. 25 - salmon; quinoa; brown sugar carrots
Aug. 26 - tuna steaks; couscous; stmd.broccoli
Aug. 27 - stuffed bell peppers (beef&sausage, leftover quinoa); cantaloupe.
Aug. 28 - enchiladas (leftover pork, green chiles, cut corn off cob); Mexican rice
Aug. 29 - leftovers; soup & quesadilla
Aug. 30 - baked fish; risotto; peas
Aug. 31 - crab cakes; ranch red potatoes; asparagus
Sept. 1 - steak; coleslaw; baked beans
Sept. 2 - fettucine alfredo with chicken; stmd. broccoli
Sept. 3 - tuna melts; fruit salad
Sept. 4 - tacos (beef &turkey), refried beans (make guacamole)
Sept. 5 - chef salad; strawberries
Sept. 6 - take n' bake pizza; Caesar salad (*homecoming game for Mag/ Mom helping)
Sept. 7 - bbq country pork ribs; whole wheat pasta salad; asparagus
Sept. 8 - herb grilled chicken; crockpot applesauce; baked sweet potato
Sept. 9 - white beans & ham (w/ rice); salad
Sept. 10 - sausage sandwiches; cantaloupe; stmd. broccoli
Sept. 11 - grilled tri-rip; polenta; green beans
Sept. 12 - hot dogs; fruit salad (sometimes you just have to do this, lol)
Sept. 13 - meatloaf; mac n' cheese; peas
Sept. 14 - stuffed pork chops; salad
Happy Cooking! (and Happy Eating)
P.S. We have dessert on Sundays. This past week I made a butter pecan cake. HOLY MOLY!!! It was simply a recipe I saw on Facebook at some point and googled it. I made the Taste Of Home one. It is three layers so it makes a lot but it is soooooooo good.
Here's the latest meal plan (going back a bit so because I use these posts for reference later):
Aug. 18 - leftovers; soup & quesadilla
Aug. 19 - gholash (gr. beef); salad
Aug. 20 - roasted chicken; mash. potato&gravy; salad
Aug. 21 - pork chops; polenta; green beans
Aug. 22 - hamburgers; fresh fruit
Aug. 23 - lasagna; eggplant; garlic bread
Aug. 24 - smoked pork roast; twice-baked potato; corn on cob
Aug. 25 - salmon; quinoa; brown sugar carrots
Aug. 26 - tuna steaks; couscous; stmd.broccoli
Aug. 27 - stuffed bell peppers (beef&sausage, leftover quinoa); cantaloupe.
Aug. 28 - enchiladas (leftover pork, green chiles, cut corn off cob); Mexican rice
Aug. 29 - leftovers; soup & quesadilla
Aug. 30 - baked fish; risotto; peas
Aug. 31 - crab cakes; ranch red potatoes; asparagus
Sept. 1 - steak; coleslaw; baked beans
Sept. 2 - fettucine alfredo with chicken; stmd. broccoli
Sept. 3 - tuna melts; fruit salad
Sept. 4 - tacos (beef &turkey), refried beans (make guacamole)
Sept. 5 - chef salad; strawberries
Sept. 6 - take n' bake pizza; Caesar salad (*homecoming game for Mag/ Mom helping)
Sept. 7 - bbq country pork ribs; whole wheat pasta salad; asparagus
Sept. 8 - herb grilled chicken; crockpot applesauce; baked sweet potato
Sept. 9 - white beans & ham (w/ rice); salad
Sept. 10 - sausage sandwiches; cantaloupe; stmd. broccoli
Sept. 11 - grilled tri-rip; polenta; green beans
Sept. 12 - hot dogs; fruit salad (sometimes you just have to do this, lol)
Sept. 13 - meatloaf; mac n' cheese; peas
Sept. 14 - stuffed pork chops; salad
Happy Cooking! (and Happy Eating)
P.S. We have dessert on Sundays. This past week I made a butter pecan cake. HOLY MOLY!!! It was simply a recipe I saw on Facebook at some point and googled it. I made the Taste Of Home one. It is three layers so it makes a lot but it is soooooooo good.
Monday, August 26, 2013
Back to School.....so poetic
'Twas the first day of school
And Mom was up early
there are lunches to make
and kids growling, surly
First up is Sean
Football is calling
his carpool arrives
and his gear he is hauling

Then comes Ian
with smiles and a cool shirt
breakfast is done
and he's quite alert

Amanda is yawning,
6th grade is dawning,
she's ready to roll as quick as a flash
and off to the bus with a short little dash

Maggie's last to roll out the door
now she's off to be a sophomore
Band, theater, and ASL to do
a busy year for her and the FHS raccoon crew

There are chores to be done
in this little house
And Mom is happy
because it's quiet as a mouse.
Happy 2013-14 school year everyone!!!!
And Mom was up early
there are lunches to make
and kids growling, surly
First up is Sean
Football is calling
his carpool arrives
and his gear he is hauling

Then comes Ian
with smiles and a cool shirt
breakfast is done
and he's quite alert

Amanda is yawning,
6th grade is dawning,
she's ready to roll as quick as a flash
and off to the bus with a short little dash

Maggie's last to roll out the door
now she's off to be a sophomore
Band, theater, and ASL to do
a busy year for her and the FHS raccoon crew

There are chores to be done
in this little house
And Mom is happy
because it's quiet as a mouse.
Happy 2013-14 school year everyone!!!!
about Me,
being a Mom,
Kids stuff,
Monday musings
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
Life is all about making adjustments. Adjusting to new schedules; adjusting to new routines; adjusting to new jobs; adjusting to parenthood; adjusting to parenting toddlers; adjusting to parenting teens. You understand my point - there is always a transition going on.
And this week is one of the biggest adjustments for our family......adjusting the kids back to a decent bedtime schedule preparing for school. Summer is dwindling. Reality is setting in. SCHOOL STARTS MONDAY! Much to their chagrin, the kids don't like that a reasonable bedtime needs to become a reality. I keep promising that they will appreciate it next week but they don't believe me.
Collin is adjusting to coaching in a new place that isn't very welcoming if you haven't 'coached in TX before'. Adjusting to not helping with Sean's team because he now plays through school. Adjusting to new coworkers and new roads to be traveled (made easier by the GPS).
Me -- I'm adjusting to cooking around the crazy football and band rehearsal schedules. Adjusting to having one child in elementary school. Adjusting to the reality of four kids, multiple activities, and a schedule of chaos. BUT looking forward to the routine that school brings. (and hopefully adjusting my grocery bill down now that they aren't home eating non-stop) Adjusting to working retail (while I like my job(s), I REALLY miss working as an IA)
And the kids are still adjusting to the newness of the move overall. They were only in school for seven weeks last year after we moved. This school year will be the big transition (especially for Amanda with moving up to middle school).
And last, but not least, we are all looking forward to adjusting the DVR to record some new shows this fall. Sons of Anarchy starts soon :)
What is a big adjustment for you and your family?
And this week is one of the biggest adjustments for our family......adjusting the kids back to a decent bedtime schedule preparing for school. Summer is dwindling. Reality is setting in. SCHOOL STARTS MONDAY! Much to their chagrin, the kids don't like that a reasonable bedtime needs to become a reality. I keep promising that they will appreciate it next week but they don't believe me.
Collin is adjusting to coaching in a new place that isn't very welcoming if you haven't 'coached in TX before'. Adjusting to not helping with Sean's team because he now plays through school. Adjusting to new coworkers and new roads to be traveled (made easier by the GPS).
Me -- I'm adjusting to cooking around the crazy football and band rehearsal schedules. Adjusting to having one child in elementary school. Adjusting to the reality of four kids, multiple activities, and a schedule of chaos. BUT looking forward to the routine that school brings. (and hopefully adjusting my grocery bill down now that they aren't home eating non-stop) Adjusting to working retail (while I like my job(s), I REALLY miss working as an IA)
And the kids are still adjusting to the newness of the move overall. They were only in school for seven weeks last year after we moved. This school year will be the big transition (especially for Amanda with moving up to middle school).
And last, but not least, we are all looking forward to adjusting the DVR to record some new shows this fall. Sons of Anarchy starts soon :)
What is a big adjustment for you and your family?
about Me,
being a Mom,
Kids stuff,
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
Spinning on a hamster wheel
Do you ever have that feeling when you think - 'why am I doing this?' Everyone has their moment whether it's in line at midnight 9pm on Black Thursday/Friday in attempt to snag the latest must have toy or deal, mopping the kitchen floor when you know your kids are going to spill lemonade in 10min. or the dog will track in some mud, and/or driving your child to band practice at 7am, you have probably thought WHY am I doing this? I often think of my days as running on a hamster wheel. Same day, same scenery, same laundry, same dishes, same floor to vacuum, same, same, same.....but the fruits of my daily labor that is marriage and motherhood pay off when I get a simple 'thank you' for a ride to school, a hug with a compliment 'dinner was great', or the smile they show when their favorite shirt is washed and folded.
Recently, my WHY has involved exercise. The dreaded bane of my existence. I really started working regularly in May. I worked the entire month and didn't lose a pound. I rolled into June still motivated until plantar faciaitis attacked my left foot; school let out; and I started working part-time. Add travel to that and I really lost motivation. Why was I busting my butt just to hurt my foot and not lose a freaking pound? But the real answer to the question is because it's GOOD FOR ME (like it or not). So, August 1st I committed to a squats & push-ups challenge; things I can do at home with minimal foot impact. I am adding to squats & push-ups daily and keeping a log.
Recently, my WHY has involved exercise. The dreaded bane of my existence. I really started working regularly in May. I worked the entire month and didn't lose a pound. I rolled into June still motivated until plantar faciaitis attacked my left foot; school let out; and I started working part-time. Add travel to that and I really lost motivation. Why was I busting my butt just to hurt my foot and not lose a freaking pound? But the real answer to the question is because it's GOOD FOR ME (like it or not). So, August 1st I committed to a squats & push-ups challenge; things I can do at home with minimal foot impact. I am adding to squats & push-ups daily and keeping a log.
Today, I did 100 squats and 40 push-ups before adding the other stuff. Yes, I did it! I didn't necessarily like it but I did. And tomorrow I move up to 105 and 45 respectively. HOW can I not lose a freaking pound? I know I am building muscle and core strength, right? Couldn't I lose one pound to at least make me feel a little better. Sigh.
1) I eat well....meal planning, at least five-a-day of fruit/veg, protein included in breakfast, cut out fast food (maybe have once a week, if that)
2) I drink a lot of water. I have one soda a week, if that. I do have coffee everyday and use real sugar (about a tsp. per cup) because artificial stuff is terrible for you. I rarely drink alcohol/wine (once every two weeks one beer, wine, or marg.)
3) I refuse to be gluten free. I am not gluten intolerant so why should I? I eat whole grain breads mostly. I add things like flaxseed meal, chia seeds, and wheatgerm to my banana bread so I am only trying to improve within my own reality. If I have to think that hard about EVERYTHING morsel that I eat, I will be miserable.
4) I have gotten better with not eating snacks at night. The trick is to brush my teeth after dinner so I can avoid sweets and/or cravings.
5) I take a multi-vitamin nightly along with a Vit. D gel tab (based on bloodwork from doc)
What else am I supposed to do? I am getting plenty of sleep. I'm planning to increase my water by at least 8oz. a day. I want to live life, enjoy healthy eating without overthinking everything, and lose some weight.
So, I guess the answer is to keep running on the hamster wheel. Keep doing my daily exercise routine with resting one day a week. Keep hoping that I lose some weight while gaining muscle and living healthier overall.
Why am I doing this again? the real reason involves being able to eat chocolate when I want.....
Friday, August 09, 2013
Calm before the storm
The storm, for our family, represents FOOTBALL season! And it's not a bad storm like Hurricane Katrina. It's like a storm on dry farmlands after a drought; it's exciting, refreshing, and often leaves you with the feeling that 'this won't last long/ it will be gone too soon.' Football season can't come soon enough.
Next week Ian starts practice and Sean picks up his gear. They have been doing small drills in the backyard daily trying to adjust to the heat. Maggie's 'football season' has begun since she is in her 2nd week of band camp. She is working hard and looking forward to being a part of the high school football experience. (We hear it's serious business here in TX)
And, it's not just football within our family, it's SAINTS football and LSU football and fantasy football.
At least four days a week, we will be focused on football - Sean during the week/ Friday Night Lights with Maggie/ Saturday is Ian and LSU/ Sunday is NFL Sunday Ticket! So I think we qualify as a football family. (Amanda gets to be a super fan with me; hoping to teach her a few skills with the camera if she doesn't find some team siblings to hang with)
The madness of school starts on the 25th combined with football. I think that will kick it up a notch to pure chaos but for today we will savor our Blue Bell icecream (we are on our 9th day in a row over 100*), daily trips to the pool, and the slow pace that summer brings.
However, Saints preseason starts tonight so maybe I'll break out the black & gold a little early!
Next week Ian starts practice and Sean picks up his gear. They have been doing small drills in the backyard daily trying to adjust to the heat. Maggie's 'football season' has begun since she is in her 2nd week of band camp. She is working hard and looking forward to being a part of the high school football experience. (We hear it's serious business here in TX)
And, it's not just football within our family, it's SAINTS football and LSU football and fantasy football.
At least four days a week, we will be focused on football - Sean during the week/ Friday Night Lights with Maggie/ Saturday is Ian and LSU/ Sunday is NFL Sunday Ticket! So I think we qualify as a football family. (Amanda gets to be a super fan with me; hoping to teach her a few skills with the camera if she doesn't find some team siblings to hang with)
The madness of school starts on the 25th combined with football. I think that will kick it up a notch to pure chaos but for today we will savor our Blue Bell icecream (we are on our 9th day in a row over 100*), daily trips to the pool, and the slow pace that summer brings.
However, Saints preseason starts tonight so maybe I'll break out the black & gold a little early!
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Tuesday, July 23, 2013
mmmm, can you smell it?
Nope --- not the manicotti in the oven. Or the coffee in my cup. And I wish it was cookies baking in the oven. Instead, it is the GLORIOUS smell of fresh school supplies. Is there anything more exciting than opening and organizing new school supplies. For as long as I can remember I have loved school supplies and the anticipation of getting new ones for a new school year sends adrenaline rushing through my veins. (and really makes me miss my old job, wah!)
Back in the day (going WAY BACK), my Mom used to pre-order our supply bundles and we would head to Fasullo's local drug store/pharmacy to pick it up a few days before school. I would rip that bundle apart as fast as I could to write my name on the fresh, clean goodness of notebooks, folders, and crayons. Oh yes, you know there is NOTHING quite like the clean aroma of a new box crayons.
Over a matter of days, I would organize, re-organize, pack and unpack my backpack in with pure delight.
When we lived in California, it seemed like school had just ended when Target put out the massive quanities of supplies. And then put them on sale. I was literally scooping up supplies within a month of school letting out. So, I had to keep the supplies hidden for about seven weeks before the kids could enjoy the adrenaline rush. Let's face it, there would NOT be any adrenaline if they had to even think about supplies at that point anyway. I hid them because I didn't even want to think about school either.
So today, I ventured out WITH a list and much to my dismay not one box of crayons was on the list! (Ian is getting a supply pack like I used to so I was only shopping for three.) Not that we need any because we have plenty, but really? Nine binders, loads of dividers, and several composition books later my fingers were itching for something Crayola. I did wind up with two pack of colored pencils because we can never have enough of those but the list was void of Crayola requests. Gone are the days of crayons, markers, colored pencils by the basket full. Now it is mostly reams of college ruled paper along with notebooks, binders, and a couple folders. Binders are $$$$ and I am sad to know they won't likely last the year. We got a few other key things like pencils, pens, highlighters, and erasers, but it's not the same.
Maggie, Sean, and Amanda quickly organized and labeled their stuff but they are not quite ready to head back to the classroom just yet.
I will hold out hope that Ian will have some crayons in his supply pack. He will have the opportunity to rip it open, organize it, label it, and enjoy the scent of the fresh box of crayons. And if he doesn't, I might just have to buy a new box for .25 on sale and hid it in a Ziploc to savor the scent a little longer. (and be super sad that they don't need them in 4th grade)
My babies are getting older and their supplies are evolving as well, it doesn't mean I can't relive my childhood a little.
Back in the day (going WAY BACK), my Mom used to pre-order our supply bundles and we would head to Fasullo's local drug store/pharmacy to pick it up a few days before school. I would rip that bundle apart as fast as I could to write my name on the fresh, clean goodness of notebooks, folders, and crayons. Oh yes, you know there is NOTHING quite like the clean aroma of a new box crayons.
Over a matter of days, I would organize, re-organize, pack and unpack my backpack in with pure delight.
When we lived in California, it seemed like school had just ended when Target put out the massive quanities of supplies. And then put them on sale. I was literally scooping up supplies within a month of school letting out. So, I had to keep the supplies hidden for about seven weeks before the kids could enjoy the adrenaline rush. Let's face it, there would NOT be any adrenaline if they had to even think about supplies at that point anyway. I hid them because I didn't even want to think about school either.
So today, I ventured out WITH a list and much to my dismay not one box of crayons was on the list! (Ian is getting a supply pack like I used to so I was only shopping for three.) Not that we need any because we have plenty, but really? Nine binders, loads of dividers, and several composition books later my fingers were itching for something Crayola. I did wind up with two pack of colored pencils because we can never have enough of those but the list was void of Crayola requests. Gone are the days of crayons, markers, colored pencils by the basket full. Now it is mostly reams of college ruled paper along with notebooks, binders, and a couple folders. Binders are $$$$ and I am sad to know they won't likely last the year. We got a few other key things like pencils, pens, highlighters, and erasers, but it's not the same.
I will hold out hope that Ian will have some crayons in his supply pack. He will have the opportunity to rip it open, organize it, label it, and enjoy the scent of the fresh box of crayons. And if he doesn't, I might just have to buy a new box for .25 on sale and hid it in a Ziploc to savor the scent a little longer. (and be super sad that they don't need them in 4th grade)
My babies are getting older and their supplies are evolving as well, it doesn't mean I can't relive my childhood a little.
about Me,
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favorite things,
Kids stuff,
Monday, July 22, 2013
Another month/ another meal plan
July has been a wash so far with meal planning because we were on the go so much. However, now we are home for the long haul. People ask me all the time - how do you have time? why bother? So I will try to respond without sounding holier-than-though. Nothing is perfect but this system works pretty well for us.
1) How do I have time? --It really doesn't take much time at all. I only have to think about what to make for dinner 12 times a year. Isn't that surreal. It is a huge relief to pull out what needs to be thawed the day before and just have it in the fridge ready to go. No more daily hustle of trying to figure out dinner and ending up with pizza or fast food. Yesterday when we were just chilling I pulled out the folder of old menus; drew out a calendar on paper; and started asking 'dinner request?'. Usually I get several answers from each family member and then I start filling in the blanks from old menus. I try not to repeat things within the same month so when someone complains "spaghetti again?" I can respond with "we really on have it 12 times a year so hush :)"
2) Meal planning helps us stay on budget. We spend a lot of money on food. Let me say that again, we spend A LOT of money on food but I shop sales, use coupons, and buy in bulk when it makes sense. For example, I bulk flax seed meal, brown sugar, nuts, couscous, etc. from the bulk bins at Sprouts. I buy smaller amounts than pre-packaged and it stays fresher because it all goes in a sealed container at home. I am also only buying what I'm going to use so there isn't a question about how long something has been hiding in the pantry because there isn't much extra in there. Of course, it has the essential snack, school lunch, extra items from a Costco run, but the core for cooking gets used. There is no random filling of the grocery cart; I buy what I need steering away from pre-packaged stuff. (here are some other specifics from an old post)
3) Meal planning reduces the amount of fast food we eat and keeps dining out to a minimum. If there is a plan, I/we have no excuse. Fast food and eating out are insanely expensive and terrible for you. Recently I have been noticing how SALTY food tastes when we eat 'convenience' foods. All of the traveling recently just reiterated how much I love when we have a meal plan and that I am helping my family stay healthy.
4) Meal planning is teaching my kids that eating a variety of foods is good for you. I would have never dreamed they would like mashed cauliflower, sautéed yellow squash, or polenta. They have come a LONG way and after years of exposing them to variety they will eat what I cook. They don't like sautéed spinach but I serve them a tablespoon full and still expect them to try it; they never know when their taste buds will change. I'm hoping one day they will thank me, but I'm not holding my breath.
So that brings me to the current plan --- end of July until August 17; I included my random notes about ingredients and meat so I can see what I have in the freezer or leftover.
22nd - baked chicken, stmd. broccoli, fruit salad
23rd - manicotti (ricotta, spinach, prosciutto, parm), salad
24th - tacos (ground turkey), black beans
25th - chicken pot pie (using leftover chicken from 22nd), melon & berries
26th - swiss steak (top round) with onion & bell pepp, mashed potato
27th - grilled red snapper, mashed cauliflower, asparagus
28th - parm.-lemon mahi mahi, sautéed grn beans, garlic mashed potatoes
29th - baked ziti with Italian sausage, sautéed eggplant
30th - chicken cordon bleu, creamy polenta, salad
31st - meatloaf (beef/turkey), green peas, baked mac n' cheese
Aug. 1 - chicken stir-fry, homemade fried rice
2nd - chicken quesadillas, refried beans
3rd - grilled fish (check sales), baked sweet potato, sautéed spinach
4th - spaghetti with turkey meatballs, salad
5th - tuna melts, fruit salad
6th - chicken enchiladas, Mexican rice
7th - Boboli (make our own pizza), ceasar salad
8th - sausage sandwiches, sautéed yellow squash, cantaloupe
9th - chef salad, fruit
10th - rib-eye steak (freezer), Ranch red potatoes, creamed corn
11th - bbq pork butt (freezer), stmd. carrots & brocc., watermelon
12th - red beans & rice, French bread, salad
13th - carnitas tacos (leftover from 11th), corn salsa
14th - tuna patties, wwht pasta salad, fruit
15th - sloppy joes, salad
16th - crusted tilapia, risotto, green beans
17th - hot dogs, fruit salad
Some days are healthier than others; but overall I'm good with it. Home cooking is still better than most anything I can buy. I say 'most anything' because homemade French fries still don't hold a candle to McDonald's fries.
Off to prep the chicken for the oven............Happy Eating!
1) How do I have time? --It really doesn't take much time at all. I only have to think about what to make for dinner 12 times a year. Isn't that surreal. It is a huge relief to pull out what needs to be thawed the day before and just have it in the fridge ready to go. No more daily hustle of trying to figure out dinner and ending up with pizza or fast food. Yesterday when we were just chilling I pulled out the folder of old menus; drew out a calendar on paper; and started asking 'dinner request?'. Usually I get several answers from each family member and then I start filling in the blanks from old menus. I try not to repeat things within the same month so when someone complains "spaghetti again?" I can respond with "we really on have it 12 times a year so hush :)"
2) Meal planning helps us stay on budget. We spend a lot of money on food. Let me say that again, we spend A LOT of money on food but I shop sales, use coupons, and buy in bulk when it makes sense. For example, I bulk flax seed meal, brown sugar, nuts, couscous, etc. from the bulk bins at Sprouts. I buy smaller amounts than pre-packaged and it stays fresher because it all goes in a sealed container at home. I am also only buying what I'm going to use so there isn't a question about how long something has been hiding in the pantry because there isn't much extra in there. Of course, it has the essential snack, school lunch, extra items from a Costco run, but the core for cooking gets used. There is no random filling of the grocery cart; I buy what I need steering away from pre-packaged stuff. (here are some other specifics from an old post)
3) Meal planning reduces the amount of fast food we eat and keeps dining out to a minimum. If there is a plan, I/we have no excuse. Fast food and eating out are insanely expensive and terrible for you. Recently I have been noticing how SALTY food tastes when we eat 'convenience' foods. All of the traveling recently just reiterated how much I love when we have a meal plan and that I am helping my family stay healthy.
4) Meal planning is teaching my kids that eating a variety of foods is good for you. I would have never dreamed they would like mashed cauliflower, sautéed yellow squash, or polenta. They have come a LONG way and after years of exposing them to variety they will eat what I cook. They don't like sautéed spinach but I serve them a tablespoon full and still expect them to try it; they never know when their taste buds will change. I'm hoping one day they will thank me, but I'm not holding my breath.
So that brings me to the current plan --- end of July until August 17; I included my random notes about ingredients and meat so I can see what I have in the freezer or leftover.
22nd - baked chicken, stmd. broccoli, fruit salad
23rd - manicotti (ricotta, spinach, prosciutto, parm), salad
24th - tacos (ground turkey), black beans
25th - chicken pot pie (using leftover chicken from 22nd), melon & berries
26th - swiss steak (top round) with onion & bell pepp, mashed potato
27th - grilled red snapper, mashed cauliflower, asparagus
28th - parm.-lemon mahi mahi, sautéed grn beans, garlic mashed potatoes
29th - baked ziti with Italian sausage, sautéed eggplant
30th - chicken cordon bleu, creamy polenta, salad
31st - meatloaf (beef/turkey), green peas, baked mac n' cheese
Aug. 1 - chicken stir-fry, homemade fried rice
2nd - chicken quesadillas, refried beans
3rd - grilled fish (check sales), baked sweet potato, sautéed spinach
4th - spaghetti with turkey meatballs, salad
5th - tuna melts, fruit salad
6th - chicken enchiladas, Mexican rice
7th - Boboli (make our own pizza), ceasar salad
8th - sausage sandwiches, sautéed yellow squash, cantaloupe
9th - chef salad, fruit
10th - rib-eye steak (freezer), Ranch red potatoes, creamed corn
11th - bbq pork butt (freezer), stmd. carrots & brocc., watermelon
12th - red beans & rice, French bread, salad
13th - carnitas tacos (leftover from 11th), corn salsa
14th - tuna patties, wwht pasta salad, fruit
15th - sloppy joes, salad
16th - crusted tilapia, risotto, green beans
17th - hot dogs, fruit salad
Some days are healthier than others; but overall I'm good with it. Home cooking is still better than most anything I can buy. I say 'most anything' because homemade French fries still don't hold a candle to McDonald's fries.
Off to prep the chicken for the oven............Happy Eating!
about Me,
being a Mom,
Kids stuff,
Sunday, July 21, 2013
I got nothin'
I am out of gas. Six road trips since the beginning of April....includes moving across the country. Trying to make life fun on a budget. Minimal hotel stays on our trips because we stay with friends and family. And apparently I am still failing.
I am tired. Tired of trying to make ends meet. I am not a spend-thrift by any means. I meal-plan and shop for what we eat. I can't afford Nordstrom's; I usually get my kids clothes at Kohl's (on sale with a coupon), Old Navy on sale, or Target. How do people do it? I will be applying for another merchandising job to see if I can add another penny to the pot.
I am a grumpy mess. Still running on this hamster wheel of life. I am trying to be quiet and drown myself in housework but it's not working. I wish I were prepping my classroom for VBS like I have for the last 8 years or so but that's a distant memory now. :(
So for today, I have nothing. Nothing fun to blog about. I try to keep the blog as a journal overall so today I log a post about the days that are stressful, mundane, and depressing. Have a great week to all of our friends at Good Shepherd VBS.
I am tired. Tired of trying to make ends meet. I am not a spend-thrift by any means. I meal-plan and shop for what we eat. I can't afford Nordstrom's; I usually get my kids clothes at Kohl's (on sale with a coupon), Old Navy on sale, or Target. How do people do it? I will be applying for another merchandising job to see if I can add another penny to the pot.
I am a grumpy mess. Still running on this hamster wheel of life. I am trying to be quiet and drown myself in housework but it's not working. I wish I were prepping my classroom for VBS like I have for the last 8 years or so but that's a distant memory now. :(
So for today, I have nothing. Nothing fun to blog about. I try to keep the blog as a journal overall so today I log a post about the days that are stressful, mundane, and depressing. Have a great week to all of our friends at Good Shepherd VBS.
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
All good things must come to an end
Our Ohio vacation is nearing it's end....a visit to Grandma's house always involves lots of time visiting with family, fishing, swimming, and go-cart riding.
And for the past 15yrs, it includes a trek up to Cedar Point if it happens to be a summer visit. We have seen the childrens' area evolve from Berenstein Bear country to Camp Snoopy over the years. And this trip has proven to be bittersweet. I think this is the last time that we will need to visit Camp Snoopy
because Ian is the caboose on the family train. While the old coal train is mostly my speed, the kids are all venturing on to bigger (and scarier) things. Although Ian and I did bail on the GateKeeper at the last minute Even though I didn't make my 9yr old ride the insanely intimidating GateKeeper, he did ride the Raptor. He may have panicked on the way up the click-clacking-climb-of-death, but he admitted that he loved it. I told him that if he paid attention, I did my fair share of screaming and that the Raptor is my LIMIT. There was no GateKeeper, Millenium Force, Gemini, Wicked Twister, Maverick or the like going to happen for me. He was very happy about that and was pleased to spend his time in Camp Snoopy while adding the Iron Dragon to his risk taking ventures. The 'big' kids are independent, brave, and coaster crazy. Maggie was highly disappointed by the fact that the Dragster broke down. Where have my babies gone? The time flew faster than a speeding coaster.
Yesterday, I ventured over to the Ohio State Reformatory with my sister-in-law and two oldest nieces. It was built in 1886. It looks like a majestic castle.
It is also the sight of where several movies and music videos have been filmed. Specifically, one of my all time favorites - Shawshank Redemption. The Reformatory itself was amazing; yet creepy. To think that 1,000s of prisoners, guards, wardens (and their families) lived here was unbelievable.
The temperature was hot and it was very icky, sticky in there. Contrast that to the bitter cold winters and this place must have been wicked. The ceilings are brick and the walls are THICK.
The 7x9 cells (for two people) were TINY. It is said that many parts of the place are haunted and I can tell you when I wandered away from the family to grab this picture, you better believe I quicklywalked ran back to the area where the family was. It's the Shawshank safe!!! So cool.
And for the past 15yrs, it includes a trek up to Cedar Point if it happens to be a summer visit. We have seen the childrens' area evolve from Berenstein Bear country to Camp Snoopy over the years. And this trip has proven to be bittersweet. I think this is the last time that we will need to visit Camp Snoopy
Yesterday, I ventured over to the Ohio State Reformatory with my sister-in-law and two oldest nieces. It was built in 1886. It looks like a majestic castle.
It is also the sight of where several movies and music videos have been filmed. Specifically, one of my all time favorites - Shawshank Redemption. The Reformatory itself was amazing; yet creepy. To think that 1,000s of prisoners, guards, wardens (and their families) lived here was unbelievable.
The temperature was hot and it was very icky, sticky in there. Contrast that to the bitter cold winters and this place must have been wicked. The ceilings are brick and the walls are THICK.
The 7x9 cells (for two people) were TINY. It is said that many parts of the place are haunted and I can tell you when I wandered away from the family to grab this picture, you better believe I quickly
But THIS gave me goosebumps.....
I know......it's a movie prop. And they had Andy's escape tunnel too. But in this setting with the REAL jail all around, it was awesome. We had a really nice time and it was topped off by a grown-up dinner at Olive Garden. Sarah and Ann head to college soon; Sarah- a junior at College of Wooster who will soon be doing a semester in Russia! and Ann - a freshman at Dartmouth. Gone are their years at Camp Snoopy too.
Today we made our traditional visit to Downtown Mansfield for a ride on the historic carousel and a meal at Coney Island Diner.
They may get older, more independent and sillier but I'm hoping that there are some things they will never outgrow. Good times with family never come to an end.
about Me,
being a Mom,
Kids stuff,
Saturday, July 13, 2013
If you can't bet 'em, join 'em :)
Aaaaahhhhh, vacation in Ohio. It's really green.
And it's unusually cool too. Slight breeze and not much humidity. This year the farmer's field is soybeans and not corn so we have a really good view of the deer that come out to graze daily.
I've been fishing in the neighbor's pond with the boys and caught a bass :)
They are liking the fireflies too. Now, they are anxiously waiting for the grass to dry out some more so they can enjoy Grandma's go-cart without destroying the grass.
We went to a rib fest (small town rib fest but nevertheless delicious) and tonight we are probably going to hit the drive-in. Because there isn't much to do in small town Ohio. Except relax. And be on your computers.....
Sarah is working on her internship writing; Annie is wondering where her tranquilty went and where all these crazy cousins appeared from; and Kim is exploring all of the options for the most cost efficient way to get us to Cedar Point.
Really? I have to get in the car for an hour ride to a crowded amusement park in the heart of summer. Yes, I do - because we can't wait to hear "enjoy your ride at Cedar Point, America's Roller Coast" one more time. I can't promise that I'll attempt the Dragster
but I might be brave enough for the GateKeeper.
Keyword: might......don't count on it.
Maybe I need to go with what Sean says all the time, YOLO! Or, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em.
about Me,
being a Mom,
Kids stuff,
Tuesday, July 09, 2013
On the road again......
How is it possible that I haven't blogged yet in July? Well, I've been busy. Busier than usual. You know, summer busy that involves juggling kid schedules/ working your part-time job/ and keeping them from getting too booooorrrreeeed. We had friends visit near the end of June and then shortly thereafter we hit the road to New Orleans. We spent the 4th of July weekend with tons of friends (and some family visiting too). If someone had told me last 4th of July that I would be spending 2013's celebration in a campground in Covington, LA with my best friend and her family I would have told you that the notion was impossible. I'm learning nothing is impossible. We shared lots of laughter; enjoyed plenty of food; cooled off in the waters of a Bouga Falaya tributary; and loved every minute. Golf cart ride anyone?
Now that Maggie is finishing off her summer testing, we are heading toward family in Mansfield, Ohio. Yep, another road trip. Just me, four kids and the dog.....oil change, check; tire pressure, check; wash and detail, check; full gas tank, check. There is more laughter to share; food to enjoy; and cool waters of Grandma's pool -- along with cousins to hang with; a pond to fish in; and go-cart rides. So while affording a trip to Hawaii or the like is impossible at this point (much to the kids dismay), vacations and memory-making are possible.
Praying for safe travels as we add three more states to the ones we have navigated --- adding Arkansas, Tennessee, and Kentucky. First Stop - Jackson, TN here we come
Now that Maggie is finishing off her summer testing, we are heading toward family in Mansfield, Ohio. Yep, another road trip. Just me, four kids and the dog.....oil change, check; tire pressure, check; wash and detail, check; full gas tank, check. There is more laughter to share; food to enjoy; and cool waters of Grandma's pool -- along with cousins to hang with; a pond to fish in; and go-cart rides. So while affording a trip to Hawaii or the like is impossible at this point (much to the kids dismay), vacations and memory-making are possible.
Praying for safe travels as we add three more states to the ones we have navigated --- adding Arkansas, Tennessee, and Kentucky. First Stop - Jackson, TN here we come
about Me,
being a Mom,
Kids stuff,
Sunday, June 23, 2013
TX Camping -the New Braunfels edition
Or maybe I should call it 'the camping trip that almost wasn't.'
Last Friday, we packed up the trusty Suburban and headed south five hours to New Braunfels. First stop Mountain Breeze Campground....."um, no -we don't have a reservation; the guy on the phone told us "first come, first served." And you don't take dogs???? There is a dog on your LOGO!" Oh crap. Things got tense as we discovered that dogs aren't allowed as a general rule. (GAH.....we have no problem boarding him or getting a dog sitter had we known.) So we decided that we would check every single area as we drove back toward town with a hotel stay as a last resort.
Rocky Beach had a spot! (time noted: 6pm) They made it clear that about 1000 people would be loading into the river steps from our spot but we were low on options so we simply said yes. Employees strolled by and saw the dog and the first thing we unloaded and tied up was Fritz. We didn't hide him. We unloaded everything in the HOT buggy camping spot and started assembling tents. THEN, the lady comes over and says "oh, you have a dog? we don't allow dogs. You have to leave; we will give you a refund." Did you feel the earth stop spinning????????? Collin had to turn around and decompress before he went postal; I stood there frozen with the tent poles; the kids were SILENT; somewhere an explosion happened because somehow we handled it calmly and simply started tossing things back in the Suburban as Collin started tying gear back onto the luggage rack. What a blessing in disguise.
Two miles down we stopped at a Mom&Pop campground that had a dog sitting out on the grass. So we were hopeful. Collin went in to ask about sites available and quickly came out to converse with a guy on the porch. I could read the man's lips...."let me see him." He wanted to meet Fritz. Before he even got to pet him, the guy saw Fritz's sweet face and how anxious Fritz was to give him some luvin' and he said "come on in." We set up camp 50yds. from the general store, Koozies bar with bands each night, beach volleyball, and horseshoes. We were able to rent our toobs (spelled correctly) from them and they shuttled us up to the drop off. The friendly couple had just bought it a year ago; re-did the camp sites and upgraded the grounds. They were the nicest people and the staff was super friendly too. So, by 8:30pm, we were set to chill. At a site that was a lot cooler and LESS buggy than Rocky Beach. With fireflies = awesome.
We did away with cell phones and time. Who knew what time it was? We enjoyed hot dogs, smores, eggs, sausage, toast, burgers, and more smores. ('the evolution of the toasting marshmallows' post coming soon). We went through a jar of peanut butter in less than 24hrs. And it was all good. Warm, but good. As rustic as I get - insert porta-potties and no showers. Immaculate porta-potties with sanitizer so it wasn't terrible. And at least we had the river for tubing; it's sorta like a shower, right? Brushing your teeth using a cup of water, no problem.
Tubing was fine. The water was cold yet refreshing and I managed to carry my camera double-bagged in a Ziploc and grocery bag so I was able to get some nice pictures. The scenery was beautiful. I got stuck on rocks a bunch and the crowd was younger than we had hoped (smoking, bad language, ridiculous music) but we took it in stride and had fun.
Amanda's quote of the weekend was "I need band-aids, aloe, and OFF." And that about sums it up. Camping in Texas does involve wearing OFF but I won't complain because anytime I wake myself up snoring in a hammock it is a good day!
Ol' River Hideaway will see us again :)
(.....will post pics soon......having issues with uploading from the camera/ desktop is in the shop)
Last Friday, we packed up the trusty Suburban and headed south five hours to New Braunfels. First stop Mountain Breeze Campground....."um, no -we don't have a reservation; the guy on the phone told us "first come, first served." And you don't take dogs???? There is a dog on your LOGO!" Oh crap. Things got tense as we discovered that dogs aren't allowed as a general rule. (GAH.....we have no problem boarding him or getting a dog sitter had we known.) So we decided that we would check every single area as we drove back toward town with a hotel stay as a last resort.
Rocky Beach had a spot! (time noted: 6pm) They made it clear that about 1000 people would be loading into the river steps from our spot but we were low on options so we simply said yes. Employees strolled by and saw the dog and the first thing we unloaded and tied up was Fritz. We didn't hide him. We unloaded everything in the HOT buggy camping spot and started assembling tents. THEN, the lady comes over and says "oh, you have a dog? we don't allow dogs. You have to leave; we will give you a refund." Did you feel the earth stop spinning????????? Collin had to turn around and decompress before he went postal; I stood there frozen with the tent poles; the kids were SILENT; somewhere an explosion happened because somehow we handled it calmly and simply started tossing things back in the Suburban as Collin started tying gear back onto the luggage rack. What a blessing in disguise.
Two miles down we stopped at a Mom&Pop campground that had a dog sitting out on the grass. So we were hopeful. Collin went in to ask about sites available and quickly came out to converse with a guy on the porch. I could read the man's lips...."let me see him." He wanted to meet Fritz. Before he even got to pet him, the guy saw Fritz's sweet face and how anxious Fritz was to give him some luvin' and he said "come on in." We set up camp 50yds. from the general store, Koozies bar with bands each night, beach volleyball, and horseshoes. We were able to rent our toobs (spelled correctly) from them and they shuttled us up to the drop off. The friendly couple had just bought it a year ago; re-did the camp sites and upgraded the grounds. They were the nicest people and the staff was super friendly too. So, by 8:30pm, we were set to chill. At a site that was a lot cooler and LESS buggy than Rocky Beach. With fireflies = awesome.
We did away with cell phones and time. Who knew what time it was? We enjoyed hot dogs, smores, eggs, sausage, toast, burgers, and more smores. ('the evolution of the toasting marshmallows' post coming soon). We went through a jar of peanut butter in less than 24hrs. And it was all good. Warm, but good. As rustic as I get - insert porta-potties and no showers. Immaculate porta-potties with sanitizer so it wasn't terrible. And at least we had the river for tubing; it's sorta like a shower, right? Brushing your teeth using a cup of water, no problem.
Tubing was fine. The water was cold yet refreshing and I managed to carry my camera double-bagged in a Ziploc and grocery bag so I was able to get some nice pictures. The scenery was beautiful. I got stuck on rocks a bunch and the crowd was younger than we had hoped (smoking, bad language, ridiculous music) but we took it in stride and had fun.
Amanda's quote of the weekend was "I need band-aids, aloe, and OFF." And that about sums it up. Camping in Texas does involve wearing OFF but I won't complain because anytime I wake myself up snoring in a hammock it is a good day!
Ol' River Hideaway will see us again :)
(.....will post pics soon......having issues with uploading from the camera/ desktop is in the shop)
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Monday, June 17, 2013
ONLY for my son!
We got the news........Ian has been drafted to the Dallas Cowboys for his football team. REALLY?!? While most parents would be thrilled with this, especially since we live in Cowboy country and could have overlapping fan wear/gear/bling, but I am not one of those people. I AM NOT a Cowboys fan. Never have been. It could have been ANY other team (besides the Atlanta Falcons) in the entire National Football League and I would have been ok with it.
So for this season, I will be sporting a Cowboys visor or hat......the cheapest I can find on clearance......and solid navy, white or gray shirts this season. I even have a gray sweatshirt with a navy football on the front that will work :)
For my SON's sake, I say GO COWBOYS
So for this season, I will be sporting a Cowboys visor or hat......the cheapest I can find on clearance......and solid navy, white or gray shirts this season. I even have a gray sweatshirt with a navy football on the front that will work :)
For my SON's sake, I say GO COWBOYS
I had a plan......then I found out that he will stay with this team until he goes to middle school. HUH??? Oh geez, and I thought typing this post was giving me hives. It's gonna be a long road.
Friday, June 14, 2013
Sure, why not?
For several years, we joined a large group of friends and headed to Santa Barbara to El Capitan Canyon for Father's Day camping. I called it 'Beverly Hills' camping because you could choose between a cabin (with a kitchenette and private bathroom) or a safari tent. Both came with maid service. Not kidding. If you left and went to the beach or out hiking, they would come while you were out and make your bed, sweep the floor, and tidy up. They also had spa services; they would even come to your tent/cabin for the message. It was a great introduction to camping as a family because the area is beautiful and being with a large group the kids were easily entertained. We haven't done that since 2009.
We have done real tent camping up in Bass Lake, CA and we did an RV trek to the Kern River a couple of years ago. So, Collin expressed some interest in camping/tubing this weekend. It sounded good but we never made any plans one way or another. Until last night at 8:30pm; as in, 12 hours ago. The kids are baffled. Really? Camping? Tubing? On a river? TOMORROW?
Tomorrow is now today and the mad dash is on. I've got the lists rolling and am heading out to the grocery store in a few to get the essentials (ya know, graham crackers, marshmallows, chocolate!) and to gas up the trusty Suburban. We hope to hit the road before noon with Fritz in tow because he is always up for an adventure that involves chasing the kids and water.
We plan to go tubing on the Guadalupe River
We have done real tent camping up in Bass Lake, CA and we did an RV trek to the Kern River a couple of years ago. So, Collin expressed some interest in camping/tubing this weekend. It sounded good but we never made any plans one way or another. Until last night at 8:30pm; as in, 12 hours ago. The kids are baffled. Really? Camping? Tubing? On a river? TOMORROW?
Tomorrow is now today and the mad dash is on. I've got the lists rolling and am heading out to the grocery store in a few to get the essentials (ya know, graham crackers, marshmallows, chocolate!) and to gas up the trusty Suburban. We hope to hit the road before noon with Fritz in tow because he is always up for an adventure that involves chasing the kids and water.
We plan to go tubing on the Guadalupe River

and have some chill time.
Armed with sunscreen, OFF, and Citronella candles we'll see what camping in South Texas is all about. Sometimes you just have to say 'sure, why not?'.
about Me,
being a Mom,
Kids stuff,
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Taking it in stride
Well, sorta.
Two of my kids have summer session tutorial and one has a strength & conditioning camp (bet you can guess who that is!) so there is no sleeping-in happening for me. And the schedule is dumb -- drop-off 8am, drop-off 8:30am, drop-off 10am, pick-up 10:30am, pick-up 11am, pick-up 11:30am. See, dumb! BUT I'm trying to take it all in stride because it is not for very long and we have most of the day to do something. Except, it is HOT; really HOT already. Supposed to be 97 today with a heat index of 100. Beyond the pool I am out of ideas because funds are tight.
This past weekend we met some really nice neighbors. There was food, drinks, and lots of sports smack talk so hopefully we will get invited back. It is nice to feel like I know somebody just a few doors down and Ian has multiple playmates at his fingertips. Just yesterday he had two buddies join him for some fishing. Oh - speaking of buddies......Sean is quite the social butterfly. I keep reminding myself that him being here with his friends is a good thing but Saturday night they tp'd Maggie's room while she slept and last night they pt'd Ian's room. It is hilarious harmless fun and he is making good choices overall but young teenage boys are like a litter of puppies.....they are rough and tumble; they eat a lot; and they are loud. I am grateful they are house-trained at least. Deep breath - take it in stride because all too soon he'll be striding off to bigger and scarier things like driving, girlfriends, and college.
I am still working on striding through exercise too. Last week I hit 15 miles!!!! I decided to keep a journal of my daily exercise because I need to SEE what I'm doing because the scale isn't showing me anything. My stride may never look like this
and you likely won't see me running at sunrise (or on a beach either) but I am moving forward and that has to account for something.
So as you stride through life today try to stop and think about things you can be grateful for. For me, I would say:
1) the fact that my a/c works
2) children who have transitioned through our move VERY well
3) good running shoes.
Well, sorta.
Two of my kids have summer session tutorial and one has a strength & conditioning camp (bet you can guess who that is!) so there is no sleeping-in happening for me. And the schedule is dumb -- drop-off 8am, drop-off 8:30am, drop-off 10am, pick-up 10:30am, pick-up 11am, pick-up 11:30am. See, dumb! BUT I'm trying to take it all in stride because it is not for very long and we have most of the day to do something. Except, it is HOT; really HOT already. Supposed to be 97 today with a heat index of 100. Beyond the pool I am out of ideas because funds are tight.
This past weekend we met some really nice neighbors. There was food, drinks, and lots of sports smack talk so hopefully we will get invited back. It is nice to feel like I know somebody just a few doors down and Ian has multiple playmates at his fingertips. Just yesterday he had two buddies join him for some fishing. Oh - speaking of buddies......Sean is quite the social butterfly. I keep reminding myself that him being here with his friends is a good thing but Saturday night they tp'd Maggie's room while she slept and last night they pt'd Ian's room. It is hilarious harmless fun and he is making good choices overall but young teenage boys are like a litter of puppies.....they are rough and tumble; they eat a lot; and they are loud. I am grateful they are house-trained at least. Deep breath - take it in stride because all too soon he'll be striding off to bigger and scarier things like driving, girlfriends, and college.
I am still working on striding through exercise too. Last week I hit 15 miles!!!! I decided to keep a journal of my daily exercise because I need to SEE what I'm doing because the scale isn't showing me anything. My stride may never look like this
and you likely won't see me running at sunrise (or on a beach either) but I am moving forward and that has to account for something.
So as you stride through life today try to stop and think about things you can be grateful for. For me, I would say:
1) the fact that my a/c works
2) children who have transitioned through our move VERY well
3) good running shoes.
about Me,
being a Mom,
Kids stuff,
Sunday, June 02, 2013
Meals a plenty
Haven't done this since March.....feels so good to not have to think about this for another month. I highly recommend pre-planning; it will save on your grocery bill, it will help you look at what you are eating, and it will save on the daily anxiety of 'what's for dinner'. Feel free to share some ideas and snag some from my list too.
June 2013 -
2 - crawfish etoufee, salad
3 - tuna melts, honeydew
4 - chicken enchiladas, homemade Mexican rice
5 - tortilla crusted tilapia (from Costco), stmd. carrots, salad
6 - homemade chicken pot pie, strawberries & melon
7 - take n' bake pizza, salad (of course, it's the last day of school!)
8 - garlicky shrimp, stmd. broccoli, ranch red potatoes
9 - bbq chicken, black-eye peas, stmd. artichokes
10 - red beans & rice, salad
11 - crockpot roast over creamy polenta (carrots, green beans with roast)
12 - meatloaf, baked mac n' cheese, green beans
13 - hot dogs, homemade greek pasta salad
14 - chicken stir fry, homemade fried rice
15 - Chip-'Hall'-tole (carne asada burritos with fresh guacamole, cilantro rice)
16 - parmesan-lemon mahi mahi, sautéed green beans, garlic mash. potatoes
17 - shake n' bake pork chops, risotto, peas
18 - lasagna, Caesar salad
19 - sloppy joes, stmd. carrots, watermelon
20 - chicken tacos with corn/bean salsa, fresh berries
21 - chef salad, fruit salad
22 - chili, cornbread
23 - grilled tri-tip, baked sweet potato, green beans
24 - ham steaks, creamy mac n' cheese, eggplant
25 - sausage sandwiches, stir-fry squash, cantaloupe
26 - roasted whole chicken, stmd. cauliflower, couscous
27 - mustard molasses pork chops, stmd. asparagus, brown wild rice blend
28 - grilled salmon, stmd. broccoli, quinoa
29 - chicken parmesan, salad, garlic bread
Now I just need to get the ingredients to get us through the 15th. Although, thinking about shopping and how much food my kids will be eating once school is out on Friday scares me to death. The burpees challenge that I committed to for June scares me too. But, onward to healthier living and hopefully a better appearance in a bathing suit.
about Me,
being a Mom,
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Friday, May 31, 2013
Making the most of May
In recent days, I find myself missing Irvine and all of our friends there. Maybe it's because the Irvine High family lost four teens in a terrible accident this last week or maybe it's because it is getting hot here and I'm longing for the beach, either way SoCal is on my mind. I miss my co-workers and the kiddos at Alderwood; there was laughter every day in one form or another and I really, really miss them all (including the times I was laughing at myself). I miss the incredible staff at Stonegate and all the amazing activities there. Most days I feel like a stranger in a strange land if I venture any place outside of my home but looking back, I think I have made the most of May.
I took a big leap into exercise with committing to an abs challenge. I figured I really need cardio too so I hit the pavement. I just added it up and I did 46.86 miles on road - WITH MY FEET. And, no one was chasing me. Me? And I didn't break out in hives (broke a lot of sweat though). The abs challenge was killer, but who knew that I could do a 145 sec plank; 45 Russian twists (when I figured out how to do them correctly), and 100 sit-ups in one session. Me? The scale doesn't say that I accomplished much but two of my children said my butt looks skinnier and this is what my arms are starting to resemble.
Far from perfection, but much better than it was. I will continue on in my quest, but I foresee more workouts at the community center since the heat is setting in.
Many appointments have been scheduled and conquered. Maggie is in braces; all the kids have had dental cleanings; Collin and I have had physicals and other assorted tests. Amanda has an IEP plan for 6th grade (middle school here) and I am now a licensed driver in the state of Texas.
Making the most of May wouldn't be complete without recognizing the fact that this is the 8th blog post for me this month. I haven't blogged this much since July 2010. So, I'm happy about that. Still keeping up with my resolutions for the year so I'll call it a successful plan.
Now I just need to develop a plan/schedule for the summer hoping to make the most of our summer days. However, I want to make sure I take time to stop and smell the roses, literally. My rose bush that I planted out front is blooming nicely thanks to our weekly thunderstorms. So even though I'm missing Irvine, Texas has been a good move for our family and I'm jumping into June with both feet running.
I took a big leap into exercise with committing to an abs challenge. I figured I really need cardio too so I hit the pavement. I just added it up and I did 46.86 miles on road - WITH MY FEET. And, no one was chasing me. Me? And I didn't break out in hives (broke a lot of sweat though). The abs challenge was killer, but who knew that I could do a 145 sec plank; 45 Russian twists (when I figured out how to do them correctly), and 100 sit-ups in one session. Me? The scale doesn't say that I accomplished much but two of my children said my butt looks skinnier and this is what my arms are starting to resemble.
Far from perfection, but much better than it was. I will continue on in my quest, but I foresee more workouts at the community center since the heat is setting in.
Many appointments have been scheduled and conquered. Maggie is in braces; all the kids have had dental cleanings; Collin and I have had physicals and other assorted tests. Amanda has an IEP plan for 6th grade (middle school here) and I am now a licensed driver in the state of Texas.
Making the most of May wouldn't be complete without recognizing the fact that this is the 8th blog post for me this month. I haven't blogged this much since July 2010. So, I'm happy about that. Still keeping up with my resolutions for the year so I'll call it a successful plan.
Now I just need to develop a plan/schedule for the summer hoping to make the most of our summer days. However, I want to make sure I take time to stop and smell the roses, literally. My rose bush that I planted out front is blooming nicely thanks to our weekly thunderstorms. So even though I'm missing Irvine, Texas has been a good move for our family and I'm jumping into June with both feet running.
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
Color me aggravated
According to Flylady, it's anti-procrastination day. Ok, I'll bite. That exercise that I procrastinated doing by an extra hour actually DID get done so that was bonus calories burned on a draggy morning. I'm not going to complain about that. But........as of 2:35 this afternoon I am beyond aggravated.
I tried to be productive. I really did. I was going to check GET A TEXAS DRIVER'S LICENSE off my list. Keyword - WAS. I completed my online forms, printed them out, and gathered up the other random papers (this includes my CA license, my ss card, my birth cert., a city bill showing my current address). Armed with my charged Nook, I was ready to be there for hours. I was going to be productive.
I get there to find out "you don't have what you need". What? Pre-completed forms and FOUR forms of identification. Nope, not good enough. Apparently, I need my marriage license AND another form of proof of residence. I'm not even kidding. Can you see the stream coming out of my ears? (and this doesn't even include car registration; that's a completely different office within your own county, oooookkkkkk)
So, that 42 mile trek was all for nothing. Sigh. (at least I get decent priced gas with my Kroger discount) And then I get home to read THIS in the brochure "Unless you are surrendering a valid, unexpired out-of-state driver license, you must be able to show you have lived in Texas for at least 30 days prior to application." HUH?? I was there planning to surrender my CA license and I had proof of residency. I am either stupid or confused. Why couldn't I wait in line today?........steam.....
STILL determined to be able to check something off my list of random things to do I grabbed the phone and decided to make a dentist appt. for the kids and a physical appt. for myself. The kids are scheduled for Saturday and I'm set for Friday afternoon. Yeah, for being able to mark TWO things off the list!!!!! But....here comes the but.......WHY do I have to provide every drop of personal information over the phone JUST to get an appointment? I know we are first time patients and all that; I know there will be a gazillion forms. So, why does scheduling an appt. take at least a 10 min. phone call. It seems like a lot of people spend a lot of time doing work twice and this is one of those situations, ugh.
And, on another note, key people in the IRS can simply plead the fifth. Is it really that simple? To hide and get out of a scandal, you can just plead the fifth or say "I don't remember." Many so-called leaders of this country are NOT leaders, they are cowards. Dishonest cowards.
And, my scale still hasn't budged.
BUT, my anti-procrastination day was a success with two small things marked off the list. And I'm off to mark off two more things ----finish emptying the bathroom box of random stuff and watch 'Ellen' with the kids because she makes me laugh and my frustration will go away.
You WILL NOT get the best of me Texas DMV; well, at least maybe not until next week.
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